i2c.AfterReadInputs (METH) ¶ METHOD AfterReadInputs : INT This method can be overloaded by extending FBs. It is used to read in the inputs of the device in the beginning of the cycle. Always including a call of the base implementation with super^.AfterReadInputs() In the base implementation, the body of the FB is called. InOut: Scope Name Type Return AfterReadInputs INT
Library Reference ¶ This is a dictionary of all referenced libraries and their name spaces. CAA Types Extern ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: CAA Types Default Resolution: CAA Types Extern, * (CAA Technical Workgroup) Namespace: CAA Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: True SystemLibrary: False Key: CAA Types CmpErrors2 Interfaces ¶ Library Identification ¶ Name: CmpErrors2 Interfaces Version: newest Company: System Namespace: CmpErrors Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: CmpErrors2 Interfaces, * (System) IoDriver Interfaces ¶ Library Identification ¶ Name: IoDriver Interfaces Version: newest Company: System Namespace: IoDriver_Interfaces Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: IoDriver Interfaces, * (System) IoDriver Parameter Interfaces ¶ Library Identification ¶ Name: IoDriver Parameter Interfaces Version: newest Company: System Namespace: IIoDrvParameter Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: IoDriver Parameter Interfaces, * (System) IoDrvBase ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: IoDrvBase Default Resolution: IoDrvBase, * (System) Namespace: IoDrvBase Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: IoDrvBase IoStandard ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: IoStandard Default Resolution: IoStandard, * (System) Namespace: IoStandard Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: IoStandard Raspberry Pi Peripherals ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: Raspberry Pi Peripherals Default Resolution: Raspberry Pi Peripherals, * (CODESYS) Namespace: RasPi Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: Raspberry Pi Peripherals Standard ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: Standard Default Resolution: Standard, * (System) Namespace: Standard Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: Standard SysTypes2 Interfaces ¶ Library Identification ¶ Name: SysTypes2 Interfaces Version: newest Company: System Namespace: SysTypes Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: SysTypes2 Interfaces, * (System)
Sense Hat Library Documentation ¶ Company : CODESYS Title : Sense Hat Version : Categories : Target Namespace : SenseHat Author : CODESYS Development GmbH Placeholder : SenseHat Description [ 1 ] ¶ Library containing device support for the Sense Hat under Raspberry Pi. Contents: ¶ Gamma (Alias) JoystickEvent (Enum) JoystickInput (Struct) JoystickKey (Enum) JoystickState (Enum) ODR (Struct) PutInto180 (Function) SenseHat (FunctionBlock) Fb_Exit (Method) GammaReset (Method) GetGamma (Method) GetRecommendedODRSetting (Method) Gyroscope LowLight (Method) SetGamma (Method) connector status fmod (Function) Indices and tables ¶ [ 1 ] Based on Sense Hat.library, last modified 25.10.2023, 14:09:25. LibDoc The content file Sense Hat.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 on 25.10.2023, 14:09:27.
Gamma (ALIAS) ¶ TYPE Gamma : ARRAY[0..31] OF USINT
JoystickEvent (ENUM) ¶ TYPE JoystickEvent : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial EV_KEY 1 NONE 0
JoystickInput (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE JoystickInput : STRUCT InOut: Name Type dwTimeSec DWORD dwTimeUSec DWORD eEvent JoystickEvent eKey JoystickKey eState JoystickState
JoystickKey (ENUM) ¶ TYPE JoystickKey : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial KEY_UP 103 KEY_LEFT 105 KEY_RIGHT 106 KEY_DOWN 108 KEY_ENTER 28 NONE 0
JoystickState (ENUM) ¶ TYPE JoystickState : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial STATE_RELEASE 0 STATE_PRESS 1 STATE_HOLD 2
ODR (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE ODR : STRUCT InOut: Name Type rSampleRate REAL udiInterval UDINT
PutInto180 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION PutInto180 : LREAL move an angle (DEG) into the area ]-180..180] InOut: Scope Name Type Return PutInto180 LREAL Input lrX LREAL