Ua_UInt32 DisplayName OpcUa_LocalizedText Description OpcUa_LocalizedText
text after the [...] . Either within the text [...] the text i
. Either within the text [...] the text i [...] the selected text
StructElementTexts optional element texts pElementTextProperties POINTER TO VisuStructText [...] properties pText
. Either within the text [...] the text i [...] the selected text
. Either within the text [...] the text i [...] the selected text
text at index n [...] Action_Text-BACnet [...] (and text) to remove.
selected text is [...] . Either within the text [...] the text i
HoursIn12hFormat (Function) Recent IDateTimeLanguageTextTarget (Folder) AssignLanguageText [...] CharHelp (Method) GetLanguageText
Constants ¶ TextBlockSize (ParamList)