bit are the address [...] significand 16 bit are the [...] instances in all
register. InOut: Scope [...] Register USINT register usiFirstBit [...] bit to write (0..7
werden. Bit 0…4 [...] ; binär 0…24) Bit 5=0 [...] Nachkommastellen Bit 5=1
_SetForecast . InOut: Scope Name [...] (e.g. in order to [...] ( FALSE ): Bit0: f
Baudrate UINT Baudrate in kBit [...] of DriverOpenH In [...] -Bit IDs, TRUE
InOut: Name Type [...] ToSourcePort BIT DEFAULT: FALSE [...] Burst BIT DEFAULT: FALSE
OpenP . InOut: Scope Name [...] interface [0..n] xSupport29Bit [...] -Bit IDs, TRUE
InOut: Name Type [...] ToSourcePort BIT DEFAULT: FALSE [...] Burst BIT DEFAULT: FALSE
each bit in this Bit-String can be found in
-bit number to the [...] supports 64 bit types. InOut: Scope Name