index of the [...] value in case of an [...] FramePath STRING(255) The path
FctGetVariableName : STRING(255) Returns the name of a [...] FctGetVariableName STRING(255) Input itf
Motion_NC2_Constants.IPR_CALLSTACK_SIZE - 1)] OF STRING The [...] displays the names of [...] _NCCallstackInfo Output of the instance
OutputValue STRING This is the string representation of the variable
OutputValue STRING This is the string representation of the variable
ProgramName STRING ‘’ Name of CNC [...] value of w [...] structure variable is of
WSTRING counterpart of [...] string representation of the variable
of a certain [...] EventTargetID POINTER TO STRING The target of the Event
id of the question [...] DataSource POINTER TO STRING The name of the
id of the question [...] DataSource POINTER TO STRING The name of the