returns the DWORD “dwInput [...] -order. Example: dwInput [...] .ReverseWORDsInDWORD ( dwInput ) = 16
returns the BYTE “byInput [...] -order. Example: byInput [...] .ReverseBitsInBYTE ( byInput ) = 16#80
returns the DWORD “dwInput [...] : dwInput = 16 [...] .ReverseWORDsInDWORD ( dwInput ) = 16
the given input [...] Instructions. The input [...] PicoPLCProgram INT Input b
returns the WORD “wInput [...] -order. Example: wInput [...] .ReverseBitsInWORD ( wInput ) = 16
returns the WORD “wInput [...] : wInput = 16#0102 [...] .ReverseBYTEsInWORD ( wInput ) = 16
returns the DWORD “dwInput [...] -order. Example: dwInput [...] .ReverseBitsInDWORD ( dwInput ) = 16#20
LengthToReplace> wcharacters of pstInput by [...] Input pstInput [...] ) uiInput
LengthToReplace> characters of pstInput by [...] Comment Input pstInput [...] ) uiInput
subset of the input [...] input data are [...] input data from the