NextElement (Method) BrowseOutOf [...] Name_internal (Method) GetNativeSize2_internal (Method) GetNativeSize
action! The size of [...] CAA.SIZE Number of [...] contents of the memory
GetElementPtr abstrSizeOf [...] GetElementPtr (Method) abstrSizeOf
structure. structSize UDINT Size of the [...] _IEC_RESULT Result of the
DestAddress ARRAY [0..5] OF BYTE [...] SrcAddress ARRAY [0..5] OF BYTE [...] ProtocolType WORD byHardwareSize
] OF Alarm [...] LatchVariablesCount INT The array size of pa
labelSize VisuStructStaticSize The size of the label iTextSize
error of the current [...] .PVOID szSize CAA.SIZE Output szCount CAA.SIZE
error of the current [...] .PVOID szSize CAA.SIZE Output szCount CAA.SIZE
error of the current [...] Data CAA.PVOID szSize CAA.SIZE Output sz