bRestart BOOL [...] Error STRING iReplyCount INT
PaintCell : BOOL This method [...] PaintCell BOOL Input iDataIndex INT The index
Input xExecute BOOL [...] Device ID RD_WR BOOL [...] LEN INT Actual data
Element iElemCount INT bComplete BOOL Set b
Helper ¶ CreatePicoPLCProgram (Function) GetParamBool [...] ParamDWord (Function) GetParamInt
Output xDone BOOL [...] INT Error
Done BOOL Operation done [...] errors error INT Error
Dlg_CheckedChangeNumberFormat : BOOL update the [...] Dlg_CheckedChangeNumberFormat BOOL Inout st [...] FormatValue INT Input b
TimeExpired : BOOL test if a time [...] TimeExpired BOOL Input t [...] INT
DataItems INT -1 p [...] Index INT -1 nSubIndex INT -1 b