VarAccess_Interfaces.IBaseTreeNode InOut: Scope Name [...] VarAccess_Interfaces.IBaseTreeNode pVariableInformation POINTER TO IecVarAccess_Interfaces.Variable
variable on the left [...] Boolean variable is [...] constant. InOut: Scope
. InOut: Scope Name [...] of the variable [...] displayed in the
string latch variable the stored variable [...] LatchVarStrings. InOut: Scope Name
string latch variable the stored variable [...] LatchVarStrings. InOut: Scope Name
variable from the alarm [...] in the passed [...] MetaObjectStub3 instance. InOut: Scope
type in RtsBrowseInfo InOut: Scope Name [...] BrowseInfo Input pVariable
. Normally it is used in [...] : qualified_only In [...] ReadingVariable
when in visu [...] visu variable on the [...] _only InOut: Name
AccGetChildByBrowseName : IBaseTreeNode In [...] Node RTS_IEC_HANDLE pVariableInformation POINTER TO Variable