orientation is identical to [...] orientation to the working [...] implementation needs to be
.gc_hINVALID in case of failure [...] 2I.COBID id of message to [...] Error POINTER TO ERROR
PolygonPoints POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0 [...] Gradient POINTER TO Visu [...] drawing operation is to
interface to identify [...] StaticObjectBase. In this case they [...] call to RegisterTo
_limit_value_exceeded 16#7 Lower [...] mapping of EventCode to [...] EventCode to Ext
case Pos=0 . The [...] recommended to use values
unequal 0. In case of a [...] set to CANOPEN [...] _MODE.AUTO specifies the SDO Mode to
only data up to 64 [...] . DATA has to be in [...] unequal 0. In case of a
according to CiA 303-3 [...] by the lower 4 bit