–- Accessed by the end user [...] user has no need to [...] regarding end user
easier for the user to [...] itself to provide user [...] project by the user
activated, the user needs [...] , the user needs to [...] , the user needs to
Program = 2 ¶ A user [...] , user interfaces should prompt the user
configurable by the user in [...] user. Return type [...] hidden in the user
user pressed OK [...] user pressed OK [...] if the user has
user if the [...] name of the user [...] the user - may be
AbsolutePath() ScriptDeviceUserManagement DeviceUserManagementFlags ScriptDeviceUser
的文件位于 Windows 电脑上: <user [...] TV.cfg │ └── CODESYSVisualization_User [...] /CODESYSVisualization_User.cfg 如果
为可视化元素配置用户输入 所有基本元素和一些常用控件都有 输入配置 财产。您可以在此处为元素配置用户输入。为此,您选择一个输入事件和一个输入动作。 配置用户输入 要求:具有可视化的项目已打开。 打开可视化并添加一个 按钮 元素。 这 特性 新按钮的视图打开。 配置 文本 财产与 Number of clicks: %i . 在应用程序中,在 PLC_PRG POU,声明一个变量: iClicks