filled with valid data (the read file data [...] the data in result
ClientObject (Method) GetTransformationData (Method) SetTransformationData [...] ) SetClientData
function code ILLEGAL_DATA [...] register offset ILLEGAL_DATA [...] response in time
function code ILLEGAL_DATA [...] register offset ILLEGAL_DATA [...] response in time
data to be written [...] in a DWORD (dwData [...] the CoE object udiTime
: maximum value udiTime [...] reason wDataType WORD [...] object pData POINTER
data to be read are [...] , but in a DWORD (dwData [...] the CoE object udiTime
data structure [...] _ERROR 6000 Reserved TIME [...] _DATAPOINTER 6004 Data pointer
tyMMS_DataExchange tyIEC61850_MMS_Data [...] Eigenschaften (Status) t tyIEC61850_AT_Time
Comment Inout tyMMS_DataExchange tyIEC61850_MMS_Data [...] IEC61850_AT_Quality t tyIEC61850_AT_Time