jobs. If name is not [...] TaskSleepTime UDINT Not used, set [...] EndTaskAfterJob UDINT If set, task
should be called if [...] currently disabled. If [...] Errors.library): ERR_PARAMETER if h
_PENDING - if data has not [...] IoServicesItfs.SafetyIoServicesResult SRTS_OK - if data [...] _FAILED - if an error
DlgUtil_CloseNumpadExtended BOOL TRUE if the [...] , FALSE if no change of [...] was done. If
Element. Returns 0 if the [...] if the element is [...] Element, > 0 if the element
Element. Returns 0 if the [...] if the element is [...] Element, > 0 if the element
. Returns TRUE if the queue was not full
operation. ERR_NOT_OBJECT if the sessions is available. ERR_OK if
_INVALID_HANDLE if not available [...] not active [...] _NO_USERMGMT: Login was not
handle. If the given credentials are not valid [...] is not initialized