Data GetBit GetBit [...] Float32 GetFloat64 GetInteger16 GetInteger32 GetInteger64
ByteData (FunctionBlock) Bit GetBit (Method) GetBitArea (Method) PutBit (Method
Type x16BitPointers BOOL x64Bit
SMALL 16 bit type system MEDIUM 32 bit type system LARGE 64
Size32 6 BitSize64 7 [...] . BitSize1 1 BitSize2 2 BitSize4 3 Bit
DWORD on 32 bit and a LWORD on 64 bit [...] each on 64 bit
64bit. To get sure [...] 32bit systems and [...] different for 32 and 64
32bit platforms and on Windows 64bit (LLP64 data model
.2seconds) or a 64Bit value [...] is either a 32Bit
CpuAtomicAdd (Function) SysCpuAtomicAdd64 [...] CpuCallIecFuncWithParams (Function) SysCpuResetBit (Function) SysCpuResetBit