UpdateRects : BOOL adds the [...] UpdateRects BOOL Input elemIndex INT parameter
UpdateRects : BOOL adds the [...] UpdateRects BOOL Input elemIndex INT parameter
UpdateRects : BOOL adds the [...] UpdateRects BOOL Input elemIndex INT parameter
AxisVarLocal : BOOL It returns if [...] AxisVarLocal BOOL Input iWhich INT
CurveVarLocal : BOOL It returns if [...] CurveVarLocal BOOL Input iWhich INT
IsValidClientId : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] IsValidClientId BOOL Input iClientId INT
IEC61850_MMS_DataExchange Input x_DC BOOL TRUE [...] IEC61850_AT_UNIT xD_REF INT String [...] IEC61850_AT_UNIT yD_REF INT String
AxisVarLocal : BOOL It returns if [...] AxisVarLocal BOOL Input iWhich INT
CurveVarLocal : BOOL It returns if [...] CurveVarLocal BOOL Input iWhich INT
NextElementIndex : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] NextElementIndex BOOL Input iElemIndex INT