actions (UseData, ReleaseData). In [...] Name Type Return
data into a file The data of a single [...] Out: Scope Name Type
Out: Scope Name Type [...] UserPassword3 UDINT Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuStructClientData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] UserPassword3 UDINT Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuStructClientData
Name Type Comment [...] rectangle pSelectionData POINTER TO Visu_StructSelectionData
Name Type Return [...] visustructsimplerectangle pCurrentClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
Name Type Return [...] StructSimpleRectangle Inout clientData VisuStructClientData
tEventHandler (ALIAS) ¶ TYPE t [...] EventArgs arg, void userData);
Name Type Return Sys [...] Port WORD dwData DWORD
Name Type Return Sys [...] Port WORD wData WORD