Visu [...] SubtractBy InOut: Scope [...] Const toSubtract VisuFbSizeF
Visu [...] RectangleStruct InOut: Scope Name [...] rect VisuStructRectangle
Visu [...] Center : VisuFbPointF InOut: Scope Name
Visu [...] Untransform : BOOL In [...] BOOL Inout dc VisuFbRenderContext
Visu [...] SubtractBy InOut: Scope [...] Const toSubtract VisuFbSizeF
VisuFbTransformationScrolling.TransformYCoordinate (METH) ¶ METHOD [...] YCoordinate : INT InOut: Scope
VisuClientObjectMgr.SetStaticState (METH) ¶ METHOD SetStaticState : BOOL InOut: Scope
Visu [...] , another error code in case of an error In
Visu [...] whether the user is in [...] . InOut: Scope Name
Visu [...] FALSE. InOut: Scope [...] row in the table