position of an axis [...] . InOut: Scope Name [...] _GROUP_REF_SM3 Reference to a group of
-acceleration of an axis [...] information of the current [...] . InOut: Scope Name
_ReadParameter_SML Reads the value of a [...] the list of all [...] _REF_SML . The value of
-jerk of an axis [...] information of the current [...] . InOut: Scope Name
-velocity of an axis [...] information of the current [...] . InOut: Scope Name
factors of the [...] _GroupSetAxisLimitFactors for details. InOut [...] _RCNST.MAX_AXES - 1)] OF LREAL The
ReadingData (Method) AfterReadingVariableValuesOf [...] ReadingData (Method) BeforeReadingVariableValuesOf [...] Reading (Method) FirstDataRowOf
an acyclic read of [...] slot or subslot of [...] input of the READ
SockRecvFrom() functions. InOut: Scope [...] SockRecvFrom __XINT Number of bytes [...] of the buffer di
Sock2RecvFrom() functions. InOut: Scope [...] Sock2RecvFrom __XINT Number of bytes [...] of the buffer di