functions. InOut: Name [...] PrimType The type of the [...] type of the
Errors.library).</p></result> InOut [...] Timer” type=”IN”>Handle of [...] Type” type=”IN”>Type of
a TCP server. InOut [...] Socket address of the [...] SockAddrSize DINT Size of socket
byte of binary code [...] conversion. InOut: Scope [...] WORD of the input B
into one byte of [...] conversion. InOut: Scope [...] code of the input W
multiplication of factor and [...] timeout of the watchdog [...] _FAILURE otherwise. InOut: Scope
interface. InOut: Name [...] _multiaddr INADDR The address of [...] address of the
.31427. Each of the both [...] an entry of the [...] _IN_WORDS. InOut: Name Type
internal data store. InOut [...] _IEC_RESULT Result of the [...] identifier of the key got
of a subscription [...] UaClient_SetPublishingMode of a subscription. InOut: Scope Name