_TG_ProfileList : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] Index ARRAY [0..10] OF SINT
. InOut: Name Type [...] MaxConfigData] OF BYTE The byte
. InOut: Name Type [...] MaxConfigData] OF BYTE The byte
including a call of the [...] signal the status of [...] body of this FB is
of the function [...] of COM.Open. The [...] writing and reading of
-position of an axis [...] from the end of the [...] -position from the end of
Sets DWORD Output xOutOf [...] ChildByIndex : ITreeWalker InOut
Sets DWORD Output xOutOf [...] ChildByIndex : ITreeWalker InOut
Sets DWORD Output xOutOf [...] ChildByIndex : ITreeWalker InOut
_only InOut: Name [...] the sector of the [...] .) Advantage of this mode