the gradient In [...] Comment Input iWhichVariable [...] index of the variable
given variable. Will not return NULL! In [...] address of the variable
Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name [...] Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT Input pVariableInformation POINTER TO IecVarAccess_Interfaces.Variable
with that. In [...] Constant NamespaceNodeFlagsEx_ExportedExecutableVariable [...] #800000000 The variable
it in the string representing the variable [...] evaluated. InOut: Scope
given variable. Will not return NULL! In [...] address of the variable
of variable X to B InOut: Scope Name [...] .AnyType Variable to be modified
AccGetSize3 : XWORD InOut: Scope [...] Node IBaseTreeNode pVariableInformation POINTER TO Variable
Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name [...] Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT Input pVariableInformation POINTER TO IecVarAccess_Interfaces.VariableInformationStruct3
AccGetSize3 : DWORD InOut: Scope [...] Node IBaseTreeNode pVariableInformation POINTER TO Variable