Integer ¶ BYTE Assert_Byte_Equal (Function) Assert_Byte
16_CCITT : WORD Function [...] 16_CCITT WORD function [...] MemoryBlock POINTER TO BYTE address
16_standard : WORD Function [...] 16_standard WORD function [...] MemoryBlock POINTER TO BYTE address
UaType_Boolean), STRUCT(iecType := TYPE_BYTE, uaType := OpcUaType_Byte), STRUCT(iecType := TYPE_WORD
AppendRaw WriteByte [...] String WriteWord WriteWord [...] ) WriteByte (Method
Dynamic Destroy Finish WriteByte [...] String WriteWord WriteWord [...] (Property) WriteByte
automatically wIndex WORD The [...] E object bySubindex BYTE [...] Data ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE
Data). If byte swapping [...] automatically wIndex WORD The [...] E object bySubindex BYTE
automatically wIndex WORD The [...] E object bySubindex BYTE [...] ] OF BYTE thje
Data). If byte swapping [...] automatically wIndex WORD The [...] E object bySubindex BYTE