BACnetPositiveIntegerValue.SetPriorityArray (METH) ¶ METHOD Set [...] PresentValueWithPriority can be used. In
BACnetPositiveIntegerValue.GetPriorityArray (METH) ¶ METHOD Get [...] data usage. In
BACnetIntegerValue.GetPriorityArray (METH) ¶ METHOD Get [...] data usage. In
DWORD (Function) ReverseBYTEsInWORD [...] DWORD (Function) ReverseBitsInWORD [...] , Swap Byte,Word order
WORD in BCD code into one WORD in [...] WORD Value in binary
WORD in binary code into one WORD in BCD [...] _TO_BCD WORD Value in BCD
WORD of GRAY code In [...] _TO_GRAY WORD Value in GRAY [...] Input W WORD Value in
WORD Value in binary [...] Input W WORD Value in [...] GRAY_TO_WORD
SMC_GSentenceQueue.WordCapacity (METH) ¶ METHOD Word [...] can be stored in
SwapWord (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SwapWord In [...] wd WORD