.IQueryInterface Represents an alarm group [...] IAlarmGroup (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IAlarmGroup
IAlarmGroup [...] name of the alarm group (The name of
IAlarmGroup3.Get [...] ID of the alarm group, that can be
Input udiAlarmGroup [...] of the alarm group [...] Alarm
alarm group. This ID [...] IAlarmGroup [...] the alarm storage
] OF ProxyStructMonitorAlarmGroup [...] IProxyMonitor.GetAlarmGroupsDescription (METH) ¶ METHOD GetAlarm
] OF ProxyStructMonitorAlarmGroup [...] IAlarmHandlerRemoteMonitor.GetProxyAlarmGroupsDescription (METH) ¶ METHOD GetProxyAlarm
.GetInternalID udiAlarmGroup [...] of the alarm group [...] Alarm
the alarm group udiAlarmClassID UDINT udiAlarmGroup [...] Alarm
Type Comment sAlarmGroup [...] AlarmSelectionInfo (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Alarm