CODESYS Development System
对象:程序 程序是在执行时产生一个或多个值的 POU。程序执行后,直到下一次执行,所有值都保持不变。应用程序中程序的调用顺序在任务对象中定义。 您可以通过单击将对象添加到应用程序或项目中 项目→添加对象→POU .在设备树和 POU 看来,程序 POU 具有 (PRG) 后缀。 程序的编辑器由声明部分和实现部分组成。 声明部分的第一行包含以下声明: PROGRAM <program> 调用程序 程
CODESYS Development System
属性:monitoring 此 pragma 的效果是您可以在 IEC 编辑器的在线视图或监视列表中监视属性或函数调用的值。有两个可能的属性值: 'variable' 和 'call' 句法 {attribute 'monitoring' := 'variable'} {attribute 'monitoring' := 'call'} 监控编程对象及其属性 重要 当您插入 pragma {att
ScriptSvnDataInterfaces ¶ class ScriptSvnDataInterfaces. SvnObjectId ¶ Bases: object Opaque handle interface. Does not contain any user-adressable data. class ScriptSvnDataInterfaces. SvnRevision ¶ Ba
ScriptApplicationComposer ¶ class ScriptApplicationComposer. ScriptModuleRepository ¶ Bases: object An instance of an object implementing this interface is injected into the scriptengine scope under t
ScriptSvnExtension ¶ class ScriptSvnExtension. SvnExtension ¶ Bases: ScriptObject , ScriptProject All ScriptObject and ScriptProject instances are extended with this interface, to provide access to th
ScriptOnline ¶ ScriptOnline. CredentialSourceKind ( Enum ) ¶ The kinds of authentication allowed for the fallback to the default handler. class ScriptOnline. OnlineChangeOption ( value ) ¶ Bases: Enum
GitScriptProject ¶ class GitScriptProject. GitScriptProject ¶ Bases: object property project_handle : int ¶ Gets the current project handle. property git_config_user_name : str ¶ Gets the user name fr
ScriptSvnProjectServices ¶ class ScriptSvnProjectServices. SvnProjectServices ¶ Bases: object Contains all Svn functionality which is bound to a working copy / versioned project. IncludeExternals ( pa
ScriptSystem ¶ class ScriptSystem. PromptHandling ( value ) ¶ Bases: Enum Definition flags for prompt handling. Prompts are standard dialog boxes issued by plugins to inform or query the user. Simple
ScriptDeviceParameters ¶ class ScriptDeviceParameters. ScriptDeviceConnectorSet ( iterable = () , / ) ¶ Bases: list The readonly list of connectors for a specific device object. get_device_object ( )