states of a at b(x) and b at x. In
points at the samples [...] crosses at the samples [...] Steps with crosses at
(Settings) setVal tyIEC61850_AT [...] configuration minVal tyIEC61850_AT_INT32 maxVal tyIEC61850_AT
derivative at x=0 for [...] derivative at x=l for [...] derivative at x=0 for
position at a given time [...] time at which the [...] at which the axis
means at the start 1 at the end of the
Status actSt tyIEC61850_AT_INS Actual state oldSt tyIEC61850_AT [...] preTmms tyIEC61850_AT
at server side [...] interface at the server
61850_MAX_POINTS] OF tyIEC61850_AT_CODED_ENUM q tyIEC61850_AT_Quality M t tyIEC61850_AT