to a known problem [...] Name STRING ‘Arial’ Height INT 12 Flags
Destination REFERENCE TO STRING(255 [...] TO STRING(255) [...] # int in the
string representation [...] CaretPosition INT The current [...] SelectionStart INT The start of
Source POINTER TO STRING [...] TimeStampDay WORD iTrgOpt INT
(Interface) ElementCompareTo [...] Element (Interface) Int [...] Element (Interface) String
_sVarName STRING(255) The name [...] _sDescriptionTextID STRING(7) The text id [...] textlist to retrieve the
Value (Property) ElementCompareTo [...] Value (Property) ElementCompareTo [...] InstSize (Property) Int
( message , TO_STRING [...] block is used to [...] FB.AINFO_TYPE ; convertID : CommFB.ID_TO
TxISOSPDU POINTER TO ty [...] ISO_SPDU Output nState INT sState STRING(80) Structure
acknowledged iOffsetLast INT [...] OffsetActive INT -1 The offset [...] OffsetInactive INT -1 The offset