Type [...] Type Return Swap IecVarAccess_Interfaces.XWORD Input pData POINTER
_CalculateEffectiveLimits BOOL Inout addData [...] PathElem_AddData [...] PathElem_AddData
selection of common data [...] exchange of data between [...] data, together. The
representation. property graph_type : GraphType ¶ Gets or sets the graph type
Name Type Return EndOfData [...] SMC_GSentenceQueue.EndOfData (METH) ¶ METHOD EndOfData
Name Type Return EndOfData [...] SMC_TokenQueue.EndOfData (METH) ¶ METHOD EndOfData
RedundancySynchronizeData [...] Redundancy] DataSyncAlways=1 [...] DWORD; bSyncData
ServerSide.SetNewCertData (METH) ¶ METHOD SetNewCertData : BOOL Set the new
ClientSide.SetNewCertData (METH) ¶ METHOD SetNewCertData : BOOL Set the new
Trj_SafeData_Exceeds (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Trj_SafeData_Exceeds : BOOL InOut: Scope