Kinematics ¶ MC_SetKinTransform (FunctionBlock) SMC_KinConfigActivateAutomaticPeriods (FunctionBlock) SMC_SetKinConfiguration (FunctionBlock)
Trigger ¶ SMC_GroupPrepareTrigger (FunctionBlock) SMC_GroupReadTrigger (FunctionBlock) SMC_TRIGGER_ID (Alias) SMC_TRIGGER_INFO (Struct) SMC_TRIGGER_STATUS (Enum) SMC_TriggerPosition (Union) SMC_TriggerPositionType (Enum) SMC_TriggerPosition_Plane (Struct)
AxisGroup ¶ AXIS_GROUP_REF_SM3 (FunctionBlock)
AXIS_GROUP_REF_SM3 (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK AXIS_GROUP_REF_SM3 IMPLEMENTS SMC_IAxisGroup Represents an axis group. The axis group is the central handle referenced by all motion and administrative function blocks. An axis group consists of references to the grouped axes, several transformations (kinematics, product coordinate system, …) and several internal state variables.
Diagnostics ¶ MC_GroupReadActualAcceleration (FunctionBlock) MC_GroupReadActualPosition (FunctionBlock) MC_GroupReadActualVelocity (FunctionBlock) MC_GroupReadConfiguration (FunctionBlock) MC_GroupReadError (FunctionBlock) MC_GroupReadStatus (FunctionBlock) MC_ReadCoordinateTransform (FunctionBlock) MC_ReadKinTransform (FunctionBlock) SMC_GroupAddOffset (FunctionBlock) SMC_GroupConvertPosition (FunctionBlock) SMC_GroupGetContinuePosition (FunctionBlock) SMC_GroupGetContinueToolOffset (FunctionBlock) SMC_GroupReadPathAcceleration (FunctionBlock) SMC_GroupReadPathDynamics (FunctionBlock) SMC_GroupReadPathVelocity (FunctionBlock) SMC_GroupReadPlanningStatistics (FunctionBlock) SMC_GroupReadPositionInMovement (FunctionBlock) SMC_GroupReadRemainingTrajectoryDuration (FunctionBlock) SMC_GroupReadSetAcceleration (FunctionBlock) SMC_GroupReadSetJerk (FunctionBlock) SMC_GroupReadSetPosition (FunctionBlock) SMC_GroupReadSetVelocity (FunctionBlock) SMC_GroupTargetPosition (FunctionBlock) SMC_ReadKinTransformForAxis (FunctionBlock)
MC_GroupReadActualAcceleration (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK MC_GroupReadActualAcceleration This function block returns the current acceleration of an axis group in the selected coordinate system. This is an administrative FB, since no movement is generated. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout AxisGroup AXIS_GROUP_REF_SM3 Reference to a group of axes Input Enable BOOL Get the acceleration of the axis group in the selected coordinate system while enabled CoordSystem SMC_COORD_SYSTEM Applicable coordinate system Output Valid BOOL TRUE if valid outputs are available Busy BOOL The FB is not finished Error BOOL Signals that an error has occurred within the function block ErrorID SMC_ERROR Error identification Acceleration SMC_POS_REF Current acceleration of the group. If a cartesian coordinate system is selected, Acceleration.c contains the cartesian acceleration: (X,Y,Z) is the acceleration vector in u/s², (A,B,C) is the angular acceleration around the x, y, z axis in °/s².
MC_GroupReadActualPosition (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK MC_GroupReadActualPosition This function block returns the current position of an axis group in the selected coordinate system. This is an administrative FB, since no movement is generated. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout AxisGroup AXIS_GROUP_REF_SM3 Reference to a group of axes Input Enable BOOL Get the position of the axis group in the selected coordinate system while enabled CoordSystem SMC_COORD_SYSTEM Applicable coordinate system Output Valid BOOL TRUE if valid outputs are available Busy BOOL The FB is not finished Error BOOL Signals that an error has occurred within the function block ErrorID SMC_ERROR Error identification Position SMC_POS_REF Current position of the group KinematicConfig TRAFO.CONFIGDATA Kinematic configuration of current position. Only set if the coordinate system is cartesian (i.e. not set in case ACS). Automatic periods are activated for any rotary axis with multiple periods. See SMC_KinConfigActivateAutomaticPeriods for more information. A kinematic configuration without automatic periods can be obtained by reading an ACS position and converting it to the MCS using SMC_GroupConvertPosition .
SMC_TG_Ramp_Trapezoid.Set (METH) ¶ METHOD Set InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Const lim SMC_Q_LIMITS boun SMC_TG_RAMP_BOUNDARIES Output fDistance LREAL fDuration LREAL
SMC_TG_Ramp_Trapezoid.To_Phases (METH) ¶ METHOD To_Phases : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return To_Phases BOOL Inout lim SMC_Q_LIMITS diNoPhases DINT Input pPhases POINTER TO SMC_DCA_PHASE bSmooth BOOL fEpsilon LREAL
SMC_TG_Ramptype_Trapezoid (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK SMC_TG_Ramptype_Trapezoid IMPLEMENTS SMC_TG_IRAMPTYPE Properties: IsAllowedAccelerationJump IsInterruptible Methods: GetMonotonicityBoundariesEnd GetMonotonicityBoundariesStart Select Structure: GetMonotonicityBoundariesEnd (Method) GetMonotonicityBoundariesStart (Method) IsAllowedAccelerationJump (Property) IsInterruptible (Property) Select (Method)