TrajectoryPlanner_MVC (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL TrajectoryPlanner_MVC InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout jb Trj_JerkBounds Inout Const pathIn PathQueue trs Trj_State Input dTs LREAL phaseType Trj_PhaseType Output vel_cur LREAL The current value of the maximum velocity curve. jMinAvoidNegVel LREAL If the current path acceleration (wCur.da) is negative, the smallest jerk that will avoid a negative velocity in the future, if applied constantly. Computed as 1/2 * a^2 / v. vel_max LREAL The maximum velocity of the ipo param that avoids that the jerk bounds of an axis is violated only due to the velocity (assuming the acceleration at the start of the planning cycle.) acc_min LREAL The minimum acceleration of the ipo param that still avoids MAX_JERK phases where the minimum jerk is positive and MIN_JERK phases where the maximum jerk is negative. acc_max LREAL The maximum acceleration of the ipo param that still avoids MAX_JERK phases where the minimum jerk is positive and MIN_JERK phases where the maximum jerk is negative. j_low LREAL The minimum jerk of the ipo param. j_hgh LREAL The maximum jerk of the ipo param. fECS_Cur SM3M.SMC_Frame The ECS evaluated at the time of the current planning position.
TrajectoryPlanner_UpdateLookaheadMarker (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION TrajectoryPlanner_UpdateLookaheadMarker : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Inout errCtx SMRE.ErrorContext lookaheadMarker PathPosition cache Trj_EvalCache Inout Const path PathQueue trs Trj_State Return TrajectoryPlanner_UpdateLookaheadMarker BOOL
TrajectorySampler (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL TrajectorySampler Methods: Execute GetPhaseType IsBuffering Reset StartNewSegment Structure: Execute (Method) GetPhaseType (Method) IsBuffering (Method) Reset (Method) StartNewSegment (Method)
TrajectorySampler.Execute (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL Execute : SMC_ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout pathOut PathElemQueue sampleQueue Trj_PlanningSampleQueue trs Trj_State pathIn PathQueue stats Trj_Statistics Inout Const result Trj_PlanningResult config Trj_PlanningConfig Input fSyncBufferDuration LREAL The minimum duration of the sample queue in seconds dMinTime LREAL Allows computation of the minimum duration of samples to emit. bPausing BOOL bNewPathElemAvailable BOOL nTrajectory TrajectoryId Return Execute SMC_ERROR Output dTSamplesProduced LREAL bEndOfSegment BOOL bTrajectoryDone BOOL
TrackingContextFromPathElem.AncillaryAxisLimits (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY AncillaryAxisLimits : POINTER TO ARRAY [0..(SM3M.SMC_MAX_VEC_DIM - 1)] OF SMRB.DynLimits
TrackingContextFromPathElem.AxesOverrideFactors (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY AxesOverrideFactors : POINTER TO ARRAY [0..(SM3M.SMC_MAX_VEC_DIM - 1)] OF SMRB.DynFactors
TrackingContextFromPathElem.CommandedAxisLimits (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY CommandedAxisLimits : POINTER TO ARRAY [0..(SM3M.SMC_MAX_VEC_DIM - 1)] OF SMRB.DynLimits
TrackingContextFromPathElem.PathTolerance (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY PathTolerance : POINTER TO PathTolerance
SegmentId_Inc (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SegmentId_Inc : SegmentId InOut: Scope Name Type Return SegmentId_Inc SegmentId Input segment SegmentId
TrackingContextFromPathElem (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL TrackingContextFromPathElem IMPLEMENTS ITrackingContext Properties: AncillaryAxisLimits AxesOverrideFactors CommandedAxisLimits PathTolerance ToolOffset Trafo Structure: AncillaryAxisLimits (Property) AxesOverrideFactors (Property) CommandedAxisLimits (Property) PathTolerance (Property) ToolOffset (Property) Trafo (Property)