PathElem_GetMvtIds (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION PathElem_GetMvtIds InOut: Scope Name Type Inout mvtIds MvtIdRange Inout Const pe PathElem
PathElem_GetPausePosition (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION PathElem_GetPausePosition : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Const pe PathElem Return PathElem_GetPausePosition BOOL Output dS LREAL
Public ¶ AxesDynState (Alias) AxisInfo (Struct) AxisInfos (Struct) AxisInfos_SetUnlimited (Function) AxisPeriods (Struct) ETrajectoryLimit (Enum) ETrajectoryState (Enum) FineInterpolator (FunctionBlock) ClearTrajectory (Method) EvalCurrentAxesPos (Method) Execute (Method) GetAxisPosition (Method) GetCartPositionWithTimeOffset (Method) GetCurrentDynInfo (Method) GetCurrentRelPos (Method) GetIpoBufferDurations (Method) GetPathPosition (Method) HasReachedEndOfMovement (Method) HasValidPosition (Method) Init (Method) InitTrjInfo (Method) IsInSync (Method) IsStopped (Method) IsTrackingDynCS (Method) ReadTrajectoryDuration (Method) Reinit (Method) Reset (Method) SetDynAxesState (Method) SetDynVTracker (Method) StartCycle (Method) WaitForSamplesAtCurrentPosition (Method) FineInterpolator_TriggersIter (FunctionBlock) Advance (Method) Get (Method) Init (Method) FineInterpolator_TrjDuration (FunctionBlock) CalcToPos (Method) Init (Method) FineInterpolator_TrjInfo (Struct) IDynVTracker (Interface) Track (Method) IEndOfElemObserver (Interface) OnEndOfElemReached (Method) ITrackingContext (Interface) AncillaryAxisLimits (Property) AxesOverrideFactors (Property) CommandedAxisLimits (Property) PathTolerance (Property) ToolOffset (Property) Trafo (Property) IpoResult (Struct) IpoResult_AbsoluteStandstill (Function) IpoTracker (FunctionBlock) PathElemAxisPos (Struct) PathElemOff (Struct) PathElemOff_ElemFun (Function) PathElemOff_FindByS (Function) PathElemOff_FindBySegmentId (Function) PathElemOff_GetId (Function) PathElemOff_GetInterpolationParameterAtEnd (Function) PathElemOff_GetSegment (Function) PathElemQueue (FunctionBlock) Append (Method) Capacity (Method) Full (Method) GetFromEnd (Method) GetFromStart (Method) GetReadPos (Method) GetWritePos (Method) HasSpaceFor (Method) Init (Method) IsEmpty (Method) NumElems (Method) RemoveAll (Method) RemoveFirst (Method) Reset (Method) SetPointer (Method) SetReadPos (Method) SetWritePos (Method) SpaceElemFunsLeft (Method) SpaceElemsLeft (Method) StartCycle (Method) PathElemQueue_EndOfSegment (Function) PathElemQueue_ReadWritePos (Struct) PathElemQueue_StartOfSegment (Function) PathPosition (Struct) PathPosition_Equal (Function) PathPosition_FromPathElem (Function) PathPosition_GreaterEq (Function) PathPosition_IsValid (Function) PathPosition_LessEq (Function) PlannerTime (FunctionBlock) GetPlannerTime (Method) Init (Method) IsActive (Method) OnNewSafeTrajectory (Method) OnSamplesPlanned (Method) OnTrajectoryDone (Method) Reset (Method) SetBusTaskCounter (Method) SetIdle (Method) SetIpoStart (Method) SegmentId (Alias) SegmentId_Inc (Function) TrackingContextFromPathElem (FunctionBlock) AncillaryAxisLimits (Property) AxesOverrideFactors (Property) CommandedAxisLimits (Property) PathTolerance (Property) ToolOffset (Property) Trafo (Property) TrajectoryId (Alias) TrajectoryId_LessEq (Function) TrajectoryPlanner_FillOutPath (FunctionBlock) TrajectoryPlanner_GetLookaheadMarker (Function) TrajectoryPlanner_MVC (FunctionBlock) TrajectoryPlanner_UpdateLookaheadMarker (Function) TrajectorySampler (FunctionBlock) Execute (Method) GetPhaseType (Method) IsBuffering (Method) Reset (Method) StartNewSegment (Method) Trj_BusTaskCycleInfo (Struct) Trj_BusTaskCycleInfo_AddTimeOffset (Function) Trj_BustaskCycleInfo_Ceil (Function) Trj_BustaskCycleInfo_IsLessThan (Function) Trj_BustaskCycleInfo_SetZero (Function) Trj_BustaskCycleInfo_ToTime (Function) Trj_BustaskCycle_Diff (Function) Trj_DebugData (Struct) Trj_PlanningSampleQueue (FunctionBlock) AddSampleToBuffer (Method) CommitBufferedSamples (Method) GetBufferDuration (Method) GetEndState (Method) GetQueueDuration (Method) GetTotalDuration (Method) Init (Method) Reinit (Method) Reset (Method) Trj_Sample (Struct) Trj_SampleQueue (FunctionBlock) AddReadCursorTimeOffset (Method) Append (Method) CopyRange (Method) Full (Method) GetDuration (Method) GetFromEnd (Method) GetFromStart (Method) GetReadPos (Method) GetSampleDuration (Method) GetWritePos (Method) Init (Method) IsEmpty (Method) NumElems (Method) RemoveAll (Method) RemoveFirst (Method) Reset (Method) SetPointer (Method) SetReadPos (Method) SetWritePos (Method) SpaceLeft (Method) Trj_SampleQueue_Cursor (Struct) Trj_SampleQueue_EndsInStandstill (Function) Trj_SampleQueue_GetDynStateWithTimeOffset (Function) Trj_SampleQueue_GetNextStandstill (Function) Trj_SampleQueue_InitDynState (Function) Trj_SampleQueue_Interpolate (Function) Trj_SampleQueue_IsFilled (Function) Trj_Sample_IsEndOfPath (Function) Trj_Sample_IsSynchronized (Function) Trj_Sample_ScheduleInfo (Struct) Trj_Samples_CorrectTaskCycleGap (Function) Trj_Samples_TaskCycleGapInbetween (Function)
AxesDynState (ALIAS) ¶ TYPE AxesDynState : ARRAY[0..SM3M.SMC_MAX_VEC_DIM-1] OF SM3_Ramps.SMC_TG_DynState
Path_IsPosAtElementId (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Path_IsPosAtElementId : BOOL Uses PathElem_FindByS_LeftRight to search for the possible PathElem range at the specified position . Returns whether the PathElem range contains the specified pathElemId by calling PathElemRange_ContainsId . InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Const path PathQueue position PathPosition Input pathElemId PathElem_Id Return Path_IsPosAtElementId BOOL
Path_MakeConsistent (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Path_MakeConsistent Updates the elements of the `` path’’ to make it consistent, i.e. gives each element and each segment a unique ID and ensures that IDs are increasing. InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Const path PathQueue Input kLastValid UDINT
Path_EvalCache_ClearBefore (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Path_EvalCache_ClearBefore : SMC_ERROR Removes all elements before the k-th from both path and cache. Fails if the path does not contain at least MAX(0, k-1) elements. InOut: Scope Name Type Inout path PathQueue cache Trj_EvalCache Input k UDINT Return Path_EvalCache_ClearBefore SMC_ERROR
Path_FindPausePosition (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Path_FindPausePosition : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Const path PathQueue Input k UDINT dS_start LREAL Return Path_FindPausePosition BOOL Output dS LREAL pPe POINTER TO PathElem
Path_DynLimitsAsym_Project (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Path_DynLimitsAsym_Project Given a composite function h(x) = g(f(x)) and limits for h, calculates equivalent limits for f. InOut: Scope Name Type Inout fLimits Path_DynLimitsAsym Inout Const hLimits Path_DynLimitsAsym g ParamState f ParamState
Path_DynLimitsAsym_ProjectJerkEndOfCycle (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Path_DynLimitsAsym_ProjectJerkEndOfCycle InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Const hLimits Path_DynLimitsAsym g ParamState f ParamState Input dX LREAL Output fJerkMax LREAL fJerkMin LREAL