OriPrimAxis_GetOrigStartPos (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION OriPrimAxis_GetOrigStartPos : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Inout errCtx SMRE.ErrorContext Inout Const ef ElemFun Inout aS TRAFO.AXISPOS_REF Input t LREAL Return OriPrimAxis_GetOrigStartPos BOOL
OriPrimAxis_Serialize (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION OriPrimAxis_Serialize : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return OriPrimAxis_Serialize BOOL Input stream SM0.IOutStream Inout Const axis OriPrimAxis
OriPrimLinear_Create (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION OriPrimLinear_Create : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Inout errCtx SMRE.ErrorContext ef ElemFun traces ElemFunTraces Inout Const poseStart ElemFunPose poseDest ElemFunPose Return OriPrimLinear_Create BOOL
OriPrimLinear_Eval (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION OriPrimLinear_Eval : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Inout errCtx SMRE.ErrorContext Inout Const ef ElemFun Inout q SM3M.SMC_Quat Input lambda LREAL t LREAL Return OriPrimLinear_Eval BOOL
PathElem_FindByS_Internal (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION PathElem_FindByS_Internal : POINTER TO PathElem Internal variant of PathElem_FindByS that allows specifying the index k_init where the search should start. InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Const path PathQueue Input ds LREAL segment SegmentId k_init UDINT ds_init LREAL Return PathElem_FindByS_Internal POINTER TO PathElem Output k UDINT dS_end LREAL dS_start LREAL
PathElem_FindByS_LeftRight (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION PathElem_FindByS_LeftRight : BOOL Combination of PathElem_FindByS and PathElem_FindByS_Right that returns both the leftmost and rightmost element at ds in the specified segment . If there is only one element at ds , the left and right variants of each output will have the same value. InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Const path PathQueue Input ds LREAL segment SegmentId Return PathElem_FindByS_LeftRight BOOL Output pElem_left POINTER TO PathElem pElem_right POINTER TO PathElem k_left UDINT k_right UDINT dS_end_left LREAL dS_start_left LREAL dS_end_right LREAL dS_start_right LREAL
PathElem_FindByS_LeftRight_Internal (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION PathElem_FindByS_LeftRight_Internal : BOOL Internal variant of PathElem_FindByS_LeftRight that allows specifying the index k_init where the search should start. InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Const path PathQueue Input ds LREAL segment SegmentId k_init UDINT ds_init LREAL Return PathElem_FindByS_LeftRight_Internal BOOL Output pElem_left POINTER TO PathElem pElem_right POINTER TO PathElem k_left UDINT k_right UDINT dS_end_left LREAL dS_start_left LREAL dS_end_right LREAL dS_start_right LREAL
PathElem_FindByS_Right (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION PathElem_FindByS_Right : POINTER TO PathElem Similar to PathElem_FindByS , but if there are multiple path elements at ds , the rightmost one is returned. InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Const path PathQueue Input ds LREAL segment SegmentId Return PathElem_FindByS_Right POINTER TO PathElem Output k UDINT dS_end LREAL dS_start LREAL
PathElem_Eval.EvalOri (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL EvalOri : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout errCtx SMRE.ErrorContext Inout Const ef ElemFun vT SM3M.SMC_Vector3D Inout q SM3M.SMC_Quat Out: the orientation, given in the coordinate system of the element function. Input x LREAL t LREAL Return EvalOri BOOL
PathElem_Eval.EvalPos (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL EvalPos : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout errCtx SMRE.ErrorContext Inout Const ef ElemFun Inout vT SM3M.SMC_Vector3D Out: the position, given in the coordinate system of the element function. psArc ParamState Out: The value and derivatives of the parameter transformation from the interpolation parameter x to the arc length s. For axis space movements, the members are zero (except for AxisBlending: an estimate of the parameter transformation from x to arc length s is returned) Input x LREAL t LREAL bComputePsArc BOOL Return EvalPos BOOL