end of list. InOut [...] Next failed, e.g. if end of
specific ID InOut: Scope [...] 32CryptoID RtsCryptoID ID of [...] _IEC_RESULT Result of the
digest of the given data. InOut: Scope [...] _IEC_RESULT Result of the
quantity of the license InOut: Scope Name [...] Quantity UDINT Quantity of the
Id of the first [...] availble. InOut: Scope [...] _IEC_RESULT SessionID of the last
TotalBootApps” type=”IN”>Number of [...] SuccessfullyLoadedBootApps” type=”IN”>Number of [...] successfully</element> InOut
handle InOut: Scope [...] Event ID of the event [...] IdProvider UDINT Component ID of
_COMMON_STATUS_BLOCK : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] ProtocolClass ARRAY [0..1] OF UINT [...] Reserved ARRAY [0..1] OF UDINT
.IDriverRequest InOut: Scope Name [...] array of |IData [...] Count DINT The number of
ReadValues InOut: Scope Name [...] of Trigger [...] of Trigger