Constraint_SetG_Pair (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Constraint_SetG_Pair : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Inout cg Constraint_G_Entry Input dv3 LREAL dva LREAL dj LREAL dc_min LREAL dc_max LREAL Return Constraint_SetG_Pair BOOL
Constraint_SetHV_Pair (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Constraint_SetHV_Pair : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Input pch POINTER TO Constraint_H_Entry Inout Const a SM3M.SMC_Vec v2 SM3M.SMC_Vec v SM3M.SMC_Vec limits DynLimitsA Input bVel BOOL Return Constraint_SetHV_Pair BOOL
Constraint_CreateGCoeffs_MVC (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Constraint_CreateGCoeffs_MVC : DINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return Constraint_CreateGCoeffs_MVC DINT Inout Const limits DynLimitsA pathLimits Path_DynLimits uq SMRB.DynVState w DynState sx ParamState Input pag POINTER TO Constraint_G_Entry
Constraint_CreateHCoeffs_MVC (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Constraint_CreateHCoeffs_MVC : DINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return Constraint_CreateHCoeffs_MVC DINT Inout Const limits DynLimitsA pathLimits Path_DynLimits uq SMRB.DynVState md SMDYN.ManipulatorDynStateT w DynState sx ParamState Inout ah ARRAY [0..(Cnst.MAX_CONSTRAINTS - 1)] OF Constraint_H_Entry
Constraint_SetHV_Torque_Pair (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Constraint_SetHV_Torque_Pair InOut: Scope Name Type Input pch POINTER TO Constraint_H_Entry Inout Const md SMDYN.ManipulatorDynStateT limits DynLimitsA Output Constraint_SetHV_Pair BOOL
Constraint_SetH_Pair (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Constraint_SetH_Pair : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Inout ch Constraint_H_Entry Input da LREAL dv2 LREAL dv LREAL dc_min LREAL dc_max LREAL Return Constraint_SetH_Pair BOOL
Dbg_EvalMVC (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Dbg_EvalMVC InOut: Scope Name Type Inout jb Trj_JerkBounds Inout Const w DynState Input segment SegmentId dTs LREAL Output mvc LREAL
Dbg_EvalMVC_I (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Dbg_EvalMVC_I : LREAL InOut: Scope Name Type Return Dbg_EvalMVC_I LREAL Inout ag ARRAY [0..(Cnst.MAX_CONSTRAINTS - 1)] OF Constraint_G_Entry ah_ ARRAY [0..(Cnst.MAX_CONSTRAINTS - 1)] OF Constraint_H_Entry Input dTs LREAL dv LREAL da LREAL nNumHConstraints DINT nNumGConstraints DINT
PathElem_CmdPosTag (ENUM) ¶ TYPE PathElem_CmdPosTag : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment None No commanded position known ACS Position commanded in ACS CART Position commanded in cartesian coordinate system of the element function.
PathElem_CmdPosUnion (UNION) ¶ TYPE PathElem_CmdPosUnion : UNION InOut: Name Type a TRAFO.AXISPOS_REF f SM3M.SMC_Frame