IoDrvJ1939Diag.FirstChildNode (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY FirstChildNode : DED.INode Returns the first child node below the current one
IoDrvJ1939Diag.Index (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Index : UDINT
IoDrvJ1939Diag.IsRootNode (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY IsRootNode : BOOL returns true, if the current node is the root (plc) node, otherwise false
DTC (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE DTC : STRUCT Diagnostic Trouble Code as defined by SAE. InOut: Name Type Comment dwSPN DWORD Suspect Parameter Number; Always converted with Version 4. Note: If byConversionMethod is 1 (old devices) dwSPN contains wrong value and must been converted by application. eFMI FMI Failure Mode Identifier byOC BYTE Occurence Count: 0..126; 127: not available byConversionMethod BYTE 0: SPN conversion method version 4; 1: conversion method is not version 4
FMI (ENUM) ¶ TYPE FMI : Failure Mode Identifier as defined by SAE. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment DATA_ABOVE_NORMAL_MOST_SEVERE_LEVEL 0 Data Valid But Above Normal Operational Range (Most Severe Level): The signal communicating information is within a defined acceptable and valid range, but the real world condition is above what would be considered normal as determined by the predefined most severe level limits for that particular measure of the real world condition (Region e of the signal range definition). Broadcast of data values is continued as normal. DATA_BELOW_NORMAL_MOST_SEVERE_LEVEL 1 Data Valid But Below Normal Operational Range (Most Severe Level): The signal communicating information is within a defined acceptable and valid range, but the real world condition is below what would be considered normal as determined by the predefined least severe level limits for that particular measure of the real world condition (Region d of signal range definition). Broadcast of data values is continued as normal. DATA_ERRATIC 2 Data Erratic, Intermittent Or Incorrect: Erratic or intermittent data includes all measurements that change at a rate that is not considered possible in the real world condition and must be caused by improper operation of the measuring device or its connection to the module. Broadcast of data value is substituted with the “error indicator” value. VOLTAGE_ABOVE_NORMAL 3 Voltage Above Normal, Or Shorted To High Source: a) A voltage signal, data or otherwise, is above the predefined limits that bound the range (Region g of the signal range definition). Broadcast of data value is substituted with the “error indicator” value. b) Any signal external to an electronic control module whose voltage remains at a high level when the ECM commands it to low. Broadcast of data value is substituted with the “error indicator” value. VOLTAGE_BELOW_NORMAL 4 Voltage Below Normal, Or Shorted To Low Source: a) A voltage signal, data or otherwise, is below the predefined limits that bound the range (Region f of the signal range definition). Broadcast of data value is substituted with the “error indicator” value. b) Any signal external to an electronic control module whose voltage remains at a low level when the ECM commands it to high. Broadcast of data value is substituted with the “error indicator” value. CURRENT_BELOW_NORMAL 5 Current Below Normal Or Open Circuit: a) A current signal, data or otherwise, is below the predefined limits that bound the range (Region f of the signal range definition). Broadcast of data value is substituted with the “error indicator” value. b) Any signal external to an electronic control module whose current remains off when the ECM commands it on. Broadcast of data value is substituted with the “error indicator” value. CURRENT_ABOVE_NORMAL 6 Current Above Normal Or Grounded Circuit: a) A current signal, data or otherwise, is above the predefined limits that bound the range (Region f of the signal range definition). Broadcast of data value is substituted with the “error indicator” value. b) Any signal external to an electronic control module whose current remains on when the ECM commands it off. Broadcast of data value is substituted with the “error indicator” value. MECHANICAL_SYSTEM_NOT_RESPONDING 7 Mechanical System Not Responding Or Out Of Adjustment: Any fault detected as the result of an improper mechanical adjustment or an improper response or action of a mechanical system that, with a reasonable confidence level, is not caused by an electronic or electrical system failure. This type of fault may or may not be directly associated with the value of general broadcast information. ABNORMAL_FREQUENCY 8 Abnormal Frequency Or Pulse Width Or Period: To be considered in cases of FMI 4 and 5. Any frequency or PWM signal that is outside the predefined limits which bound the signal range for frequency or duty cycle (outside Region b of the signal definition). Also if the signal is an ECM output, any signal whose frequency or duty cycle is not consistent with the signal which is emitted. Broadcast of data value is substituted with the “error indicator” value. ABNORMAL_UPDATE_RATE 9 Abnormal Update Rate: Any failure detected when receipt of data via the data link or as input from a smart actuator or smart sensor is not at the update rate expected or required by the ECM (outside Region c of the signal range definition). Also any error detected causing the ECM not to send information at the rate required by the system. This type of fault may or may not be directly associated with the value of general broadcast information. ABNORMAL_RATE_OF_CHANGE 10 Abnormal Rate Of Change: Any data, exclusive of the abnormalities covered by FMI 2, that is considered valid but whose data is changing at a rate that is outside the predefined limits that bound the rate of change for a properly functioning system (outside Region c of the signal range definition). Broadcast of data values is continued as normal. ROOT_CAUSE_NOT_KNOWN 11 Root Cause Not Known: It has been detected that a failure has occurred in a particular subsystem but the exact nature of the fault is not known. Broadcast of data value is substituted with the “error indicator” value. BAD_INTELLIGENT_DEVICE 12 Bad Intelligent Device Or Component: Internal diagnostic procedures have determined that the failure is one which requires the replacement of the ECU, used here to mean the packaged unit that includes some microprocessor and its associated components and circuits. It can be assumed that the communications subsystem is not the part that has failed, and that the manufacturer has determined that there is no serviceable component smaller than the ECU involved in the failure. Broadcast of data value is substituted with the “error indicator” value if appropriate, as there may or may not be any broadcast data involved. This error is to include all internal controller trouble codes that can not be caused by connections or systems external to the controller. OUT_OF_CALIBRATION 13 Out Of Calibration: A failure detected that can be identified to be the result of not being properly calibrated. This may be the case for a subsystem which can identify that the calibration attempting to be used by the controller is out of date. Or it may be the case that the mechanical subsystem is determined to be out of calibration. This failure mode does not relate to the signal range definition as do many of the FMIs. SPECIAL_INSTRUCTIONS 14 Special Instructions: “Special Instructions” is the FMI to be used when the on-board system can isolate the failure to a small number of choices but not to a single point of failure. When this FMI is used, there is a clear necessity for the service technician to take some action to complete the specific diagnosis, and the Manufacturer has provided instructions for the completion of that diagnosis. There are two cases where this will be used: 1. for emission-related diagnostics where the particular failure cannot be separated between a sensor out of range and the case where the actual value is at the edge of a diagnostic region, and 2. for the older SPN 611 to 615 where the problem is in determining which of two or more circuits (which may interact) is the one that needs repair. DATA_ABOVE_NORMAL_LEAST_SEVERE_LEVEL 15 Data Valid But Above Normal Operating Range - Least Severe Level: The signal communicating information is within a defined acceptable and valid range, but the real world condition is above what would be considered normal as determined by the predefined least severe level limits for that particular measure of the real world condition (Region i of signal range definition). Broadcast of data values is continued as normal. DATA_ABOVE_NORMAL_MODERATELY_SEVERE_LEVEL 16 Data Valid But Above Normal Operating Range - Moderately Severe Level: The signal communicating information is within a defined acceptable and valid range, but the real world condition is above what would be considered normal as determined by the predefined moderately severe level limits for that particular measure of the real world condition (Region k of signal range definition). Broadcast of data values is continued as normal. DATA_BELOW_NORMAL_LEAST_SEVERE_LEVEL 17 Data Valid But Below Normal Operating Range - Least Severe Level: The signal communicating information is within a defined acceptable and valid range, but the real world condition is below what would be considered normal as determined by the predefined least severe level limits for that particular measure of the real world condition (Region h of signal range definition). Broadcast of data values is continued as normal. DATA_BELOW_NORMAL_MODERATELY_SEVERE_LEVEL 18 Data Valid But Below Normal Operating Range - Moderately Severe Level: The signal communicating information is within a defined acceptable and valid range, but the real world condition is below what would be considered normal as determined by the predefined moderately severe level limits for that particular measure of the real world condition (Region j of signal range definition). Broadcast of data values is continued as normal. RECEIVED_NETWORK_DATA_IN_ERROR 19 Received Network Data In Error: Any failure that is detected when the data received via the network is found substituted with the “error indicator” value (i.e. FE16, see J1939-71). This type of failure is associated with received network data. The component used to measure the real world signal is wired directly to the module sourcing the data to the network and not to the module receiving the data via the network. This FMI is applicable to Regions f and g of the signal range definition. This type of fault may or may not be directly associated with the value of general broadcast information. DATA_DRIFTED_HIGH 20 Data Drifted High: Systems which use one DTC to report, data drifted high and data drifted low, rationality failures for a component shall use FMI 2. When a product has separate DTCs for a rationality check for data drifted high and another DTC for a rationality check for data drifted low for the same component it shall then use FMI 20 and FMI 21 accordingly. The signal communicating information is within a defined acceptable and valid range, but the real world condition is above what would be considered normal when compared to other measurements. This may include sensor drifts, measurements that do not seem possible when compared with other data, measurements that change at a rate that is not considered possible in the real world or whose values themselves do not seem possible in the real world. It is understood that it is not feasible to always differentiate the cause of the data drifted low (e.g. Is the INTAKE MANIFOLD PRESSURE low because the sensor has drifted or is there a mechanical problem with either the turbocharger or the hose connections?) This FMI is applicable to Region b of the signal range definition. Broadcast of data value is substituted with the “error indicator” value. DATA_DRIFTED_LOW 21 Data Drifted Low: Systems which use one DTC to report, data drifted high and data drifted low, rationality failures for a component shall use FMI 2. When a product has separate DTCs for a rationality check for data drifted high and another DTC for a rationality check for data drifted low for the same component it shall then use FMI 20 and FMI 21 accordingly. The signal communicating information is within a defined acceptable and valid range, but the real world condition is below what would be considered normal when compared to other measurements. This may include sensor drifts, measurements that do not seem possible when compared with other data, measurements that change at a rate that is not considered possible in the real world or whose values themselves do not seem possible in the real world. It is understood that it is not feasible to always differentiate the cause of the data drifted low (e.g. Is the INTAKE MANIFOLD PRESSURE low because the sensor has drifted or is there a mechanical problem with either the turbocharger or the hose connections?) This FMI is applicable to Region b of the signal range definition. Broadcast of data value is substituted with the “error indicator” value. CONDITION_EXISTS 31 Condition Exists: This FMI is used to indicate that the condition identified by the SPN exists when no other applicable FMI exists or in cases when the reported SPN name spells out the component and a non-standard failure mode. This type of fault may or may not be directly associated with the value of general broadcast information. This FMI will mean “not available” when the associated SPN is also “not available” as when the remainder of a packet is filled with binary ones after all data has been transmitted.
Lamps ¶ LAMP_FLASH (Enum) LAMP_INFO (Struct) LAMP_STATUS (Enum)
LAMP_FLASH (ENUM) ¶ TYPE LAMP_FLASH : Lamp flash information Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment SLOW_FLASH 0 1 Hz, 50% duty cycle FAST_FLASH 1 2 Hz or faster, 50% duty cycle NO_FLASH 3 do not flash
LAMP_INFO (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE LAMP_INFO : STRUCT Contains lamp status and flash information InOut: Name Type eStatus LAMP_STATUS eFlashInfo LAMP_FLASH
LAMP_STATUS (ENUM) ¶ TYPE LAMP_STATUS : Lamp status information Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment LAMP_OFF 0 LAMP_ON 1 CLASS_C_DTC 2 only for MIL
DM1_Read (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK DM1_Read EXTENDS CBM.LTrig IMPLEMENTS IBroadcastHandler, IDTCHandlerList This function block reads DM1 messages from a given device ( itfSourceECU ) as long as xEnable is TRUE . In principal a DM1 message contains lamp information and currently active diagnostic trouble codes ( DTC ). Following information is provided by this function block: Lamp information for following lamps: Malfunction Indicator Lamp(MIL) Red Stop Lamp (RSL) Amber Warning Lamp (AWL) Protect Lamp Number of active DTCs(output: udiDTCCount ) Information about if DM1 message was received in the current PLC cycle ( xReceived ). For detailed information about received DTC data one or more DTC Handlers can be connected with this function block (optionally). For example: DTCBufferWriter : Writes DTC data to a given memory buffer DTCLogger : Writes DTC data to the PLC log. InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Inherited from Input xEnable BOOL TRUE : Action starts FALSE : Action stops, outputs xDone , xBusy , xError are resetted LTrig Output xDone BOOL TRUE : Action successfully completed LTrig xBusy BOOL TRUE : Function block active LTrig xError BOOL TRUE : Error occurred, function block aborts action FALSE : No error LTrig Input itfSourceECU IJ1939RemoteECU ECU which sends this message Output itfDTCHandlerList IDTCHandlerList THIS^ mainly for graphical programming: output for optional connection to DTC Handler udiDTCCount UDINT Contains number of received Diagnostic Trouble Codes. MalfunctionIndicatorLamp LAMP_INFO Malfunction Indicator Lamp: Lamp to indicate when there is an emission related trouble code active. RedStopLamp LAMP_INFO Red Stop Lamp: Lamp to indicate a problem that is severe enough to warrant stopping the vehicle. AmberWarningLamp LAMP_INFO Amber Warning Lamp: Lamp to indicate a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle does not need to be stopped immediately. ProtectLamp LAMP_INFO Protect Lamp: Lamp to indicate a problem with a vehicle system that is most likely not electronic subsystem related (e.g. Coolant Temperature has exceeded its defined range.) xReceived BOOL If a DM message was received xReceived is TRUE for one cycle. eError ERROR detailed error information if xError is TRUE