J1939LocalECUDiag (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK J1939LocalECUDiag EXTENDS J1939LocalECU IMPLEMENTS DED.IDevice2 This function block implements the diagnosis code for CAA Device Diagnosis. Properties: Address , inherited from J1939ECUBase ChildNodeCount Connector Enable FirstChildNode Index IsArbitraryAddressCapable , inherited from J1939ECUBase IsLocal , inherited from J1939ECUBase IsRootNode NAME , inherited from J1939ECUBase NextSiblingNode ParentNode SiblingNodeCount State , inherited from J1939ECUBase Methods: ChangeAddress , inherited from J1939LocalECU GetDeviceInfo GetDeviceState TriggerPGByIdx , inherited from J1939LocalECU Structure: IDevice GetDeviceInfo (Method) GetDeviceState (Method) INode ChildNodeCount (Property) Connector (Property) Enable (Property) FirstChildNode (Property) Index (Property) IsRootNode (Property) NextSiblingNode (Property) ParentNode (Property) SiblingNodeCount (Property)
IDevice ¶ GetDeviceInfo (Method) GetDeviceState (Method)
J1939LocalECUDiag.GetDeviceInfo (METH) ¶ METHOD GetDeviceInfo : DED.ERROR Returns the device information of the current node InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetDeviceInfo DED.ERROR Inout deiInfo DED.DEVICE_INFO Device information struct
J1939LocalECUDiag.GetDeviceState (METH) ¶ METHOD GetDeviceState : DED.DEVICE_STATE Returns the state of the device; if device state is ERROR further information can be read by GetDeviceError InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetDeviceState DED.DEVICE_STATE Output xDiagnosisInfoAvailable BOOL if true, diagnosis info can be read by calling GetDeviceDiagnosisInfo eError DED.ERROR
INode ¶ ChildNodeCount (Property) Connector (Property) Enable (Property) FirstChildNode (Property) Index (Property) IsRootNode (Property) NextSiblingNode (Property) ParentNode (Property) SiblingNodeCount (Property)
IoDrvJ1939Diag.GetDeviceState (METH) ¶ METHOD GetDeviceState : DED.DEVICE_STATE Returns the state of the device; if device state is ERROR further information can be read by GetDeviceError InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetDeviceState DED.DEVICE_STATE Output xDiagnosisInfoAvailable BOOL if true, diagnosis info can be read by calling GetDeviceDiagnosisInfo eError DED.ERROR
INode ¶ ChildNodeCount (Property) Connector (Property) Enable (Property) FirstChildNode (Property) Index (Property) IsRootNode (Property) NextSiblingNode (Property) ParentNode (Property) SiblingNodeCount (Property)
IoDrvJ1939Diag.ChildNodeCount (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY ChildNodeCount : CAA.COUNT Returns the number of childs below the current node
IoDrvJ1939Diag.Connector (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Connector : POINTER TO IoStandard.IoConfigConnector
IoDrvJ1939Diag.Enable (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Enable : BOOL This property returns if the node is enabled in the device tree. The setter can be used to change the Enabled flag. If enabling/disabling is not supported on the node the flag’s value will not change.