PathElem_PoseEval (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL PathElem_PoseEval Methods: EvalAt Structure: EvalAt (Method)
ElemFunPose_ToolOffset (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION ElemFunPose_ToolOffset : POINTER TO SM3M.SMC_Frame InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Const pose ElemFunPose Return ElemFunPose_ToolOffset POINTER TO SM3M.SMC_Frame
ElemFunPose_UpdateCSPlanningTrans (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION ElemFunPose_UpdateCSPlanningTrans : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Inout pose ElemFunPose Input counter ULINT Return ElemFunPose_UpdateCSPlanningTrans BOOL
ElemFunQueue.IsEmpty (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL IsEmpty : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return IsEmpty BOOL
ElemFunQueue.NumElems (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL NumElems : UDINT Returns the number of elements currently in the queue. InOut: Scope Name Type Return NumElems UDINT
G2CheckResult (ENUM) ¶ TYPE G2CheckResult : Possible results of the PathElem_CheckG2 FB. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment Unknown It cannot be determined whether the elment transition is G2, e.g. because different coordinate systems are used, or one of the movments is a PTP movement. Error An error ocurred while evaluating the path elements. NonG2 The transition is not G2 continuous. G2 The transition is G2 continuous.
Geo ¶ Arc GeoPrimArc_CartDist (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateFromArc (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI_Border (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI_Center (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI_Ext (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI_Ext2 (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI_Normal (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI_NormalR (Function) GeoPrimArc_Create_Normal (Function) GeoPrimArc_Create_XY (Function) GeoPrimArc_Eval (Function) GeoPrimArc_EvalDerivs (Function) GeoPrimArc_IntersectWithPlane (Function) GeoPrimArc_Serialize (Function) ElemFunAxisBlending_Serialize (Function) GeoPrimArc (Struct) GeoPrimLine (Struct) GeoPrimLineAS (Struct) GeoPrimLinear (Struct) GeoPrimType (Enum) GeoPrimType_Serialize (Function) GeoPrimUnion (Union) GeoPrimWait (Struct) GeoPrim_CreateLinear (Function) GeoPrim_Eval (Function) GeoPrim_EvalDerivs (Function) Line GeoPrimLine_Create (Function) GeoPrimLine_Eval (Function) GeoPrimLine_EvalDerivs (Function) GeoPrimLine_Serialize (Function) LineAS GeoPrimLineAS_Create (Function) GeoPrimLineAS_CreateExt (Function) GeoPrimLineAS_CreateI (Function) GeoPrimLineAS_CreateI_Ext (Function) GeoPrimLineAS_Eval (Function) GeoPrimLineAS_EvalAxes (Function) GeoPrimLineAS_EvalAxesOrigStartEnd (Function) GeoPrimLineAS_EvalAxisDerivs (Function) GeoPrimLineAS_GetOrigEndPos (Function) GeoPrimLineAS_GetOrigStartPos (Function) GeoPrimLineAS_Serialize (Function) Linear GeoPrimLinear_Create (Function) GeoPrimLinear_Eval (Function) GeoPrimLinear_EvalDerivs (Function) GeoPrimLinear_GetEndPos (Function) GeoPrimLinear_GetStartPos (Function) GeoPrimLinear_Serialize (Function) Projection ElemFun_EvalPosDerivs (Function) GeoPrim_PointDistSq_Derivs (Function) GeoPrim_ProjectPoint (Function) GeoPrim_ProjectPoint_PreImg (Function) Wait GeoPrimWait_Create (Function) GeoPrimWait_Eval (Function) GeoPrimWait_Serialize (Function)
Arc ¶ GeoPrimArc_CartDist (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateFromArc (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI_Border (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI_Center (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI_Ext (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI_Ext2 (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI_Normal (Function) GeoPrimArc_CreateI_NormalR (Function) GeoPrimArc_Create_Normal (Function) GeoPrimArc_Create_XY (Function) GeoPrimArc_Eval (Function) GeoPrimArc_EvalDerivs (Function) GeoPrimArc_IntersectWithPlane (Function) GeoPrimArc_Serialize (Function)
GeoPrimArc_CreateI_Normal (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GeoPrimArc_CreateI_Normal : LREAL InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GeoPrimArc_CreateI_Normal LREAL Inout arc GeoPrimArc Inout Const vC SM3M.SMC_Vector3D The center in world coordinates vN SM3M.SMC_Vector3D The normal vector of the arc’s plane (must be a unit) Input dR LREAL dPhiStart_deg LREAL dApex_deg LREAL dHelixDist LREAL The (signed) distance travelled along the arc normal
GeoPrimArc_CreateI_NormalR (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GeoPrimArc_CreateI_NormalR : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout errCtx SMRE.ErrorContext arc GeoPrimArc Inout Const vStart SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D The start point in world coordinates vDest SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D The dest point in world coordinates vNormalR SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D The normal vector with length radius Input bCCW BOOL Return GeoPrimArc_CreateI_NormalR BOOL Output length LREAL