SMC_SEGMENT (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SMC_SEGMENT : STRUCT This structure is used internally by the SMC_Interpolator . It represents a path segment of fixed length in which a certain acceleration shape is used. InOut: Name Type Comment eType SMC_SEGMENTTYPE ACC, CONST, DEC, M dLength LREAL Object length dTime LREAL Needed time for interpolation dVelStart LREAL Velocity at the beginning of the segment dVelEnd LREAL Velocity at the end of the segment iStartObj INT Position of the start object in the queue dPosInStartObj LREAL Beginning of segment relative to the start point of the start object iDestObj INT Position of the last object in the queue dPosInDestObj LREAL End of segment relative to the start point of the destination object dAccStart LREAL Start acceleration (signed) dAccEnd LREAL End acceleration (signed) dJerk LREAL Jerk (signed), only used for changing acceleration
SMC_SEGMENTTYPE (ENUM) ¶ TYPE SMC_SEGMENTTYPE : The possible types of a segment Note The values of the types must match the values in SMC_INT_STATUS . InOut: Name Initial Comment SMC_SEG_UNKNOWN 0 SMC_SEG_ACCEL 2 SMC_SEG_CONSTANT 3 SMC_SEG_DECEL 4 SMC_SEG_M 6 SMC_SEG_INCREASING_ACCEL 7 The acceleration is increased ( dJerk > 0, dAccEnd > 0 ) SMC_SEG_DECREASING_ACCEL 8 The acceleration is decreased ( dJerk < 0, dAccStart > 0 ) SMC_SEG_INCREASING_DECEL 9 The deceleration is increased ( dJerk < 0, dAccEnd < 0 ) SMC_SEG_DECREASING_DECEL 10 The deceleration is decreased ( dJerk > 0, dAccStart < 0 )
SMC_SMOOTHBSPLINE_MODE (ENUM) ¶ TYPE SMC_SMOOTHBSPLINE_MODE : The mode determines how SMC_SmoothBSpline determines the knot vectors. InOut: Name Comment SMC_SMOOTHBSPLINE_UNIFORM Uniform knot vector SMC_SMOOTHBSPLINE_CHORDLENGTH Distance of knots proportional to chord length between control points SMC_SMOOTHBSPLINE_CENTRIPETAL Distance of knots proportional to square root of chord length between control points
SMC_SMOOTHPATHADDAXMODE (ENUM) ¶ TYPE SMC_SMOOTHPATHADDAXMODE : Mode for handling the additional axes by SMC_SmoothPath InOut: Name Comment SPAA_LATE Shift additional axes’ position to end position of inserted spline SPAA_BROAD Shift additional axes’ position at the first spline to start, at last spline to the end SPAA_NONE Do not consider additional axes SPAA_EVEN Distribute positions of additional axes proportional to element lengths SPAA_EXACT Cut ABC axes’ position functions like X/Y/Z and connect smoothly
SMC_INT_VELMODE (ENUM) ¶ TYPE SMC_INT_VELMODE : Represents the velocity profile. InOut: Name Initial Comment TRAPEZOID 0 Velocity profile with trapezoid shape SIGMOID 1 Equal to the TRAPEZOID profile but rising and falling edges of the velocity profile are replaced by sin2 functions with same area. SIGMOID_LIMIT 2 Velocity profile: Equal to mode SIGMOID with the difference that the same time is taken for interpolating one path in trapezoid and sigmoid mode. For that, the existing mode SIGMOID exceeds the limit about a factor of PI/2. QUADRATIC 3 Acceleration profile in a trapezoidal form with jerk limitation: this mode, that keeps the value of the jerk in a certain limit (defined in dJerkMax ), is a quadratic velocity shape. The position profile is built of polynomials of 3rd degree. Hence, the velocity profile consists of parabolas, the acceleration of line segments and the jerk of horizontal line segments. QUADRATIC_SMOOTH 4 It works like mode QUADRATIC but creates a jerk profile without jumps. This is done by replacing the linear ramps of the acceleration by monotone functions that have zero slope at the start- and end-point. The function must lead to the same end velocity and end position after the acceleration ramp. This is similar to the way a sin² function is used instead of a linear velocity ramp in the sigmoidal velocity mode. In particular, the computation of the segments and the length and duration of the segments is not affected.
SMC_LINE_3D (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SMC_LINE_3D : STRUCT InOut: Name Type P SMC_Vector3D v SMC_Vector3D
SMC_MOVTYP (ENUM) ¶ TYPE SMC_MOVTYP : Indicates the geometrical type of the object. Possible states: InOut: Name Initial Comment LIN 1 Straight movement (G01) CLW Circle in clockwise direction (G02) CCLW Circle in counterclockwise direction (G03) SPLINE 5 Spline, parabola (G05, G06) ELLCLW 8 Clockwise ellipse (G08) ELLCCLW 9 Counterclockwise ellipse (G09) SPLINE3D 10 SPLINE3D_5 11 LINPOS 100 Straight positioning (G00) LINNODELTA 101 Straight movement without movement in X/Y but Z LINADDAXES 102 Straight movement without movement in X/Y/Z INITPOS 110 Blind positioning (start point still unknown, will be added by SMC_Interpolator ) MCOMMAND 120 Additional option, M-option
SMC_M_PARAMETERS (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SMC_M_PARAMETERS : STRUCT This data type can define additional parameters for the currently active M-function which can be evaluated by SMC_GetMParameters in order to display additional values for the respective M-function. InOut: Name Type Initial dP1 LREAL 0 dP2 LREAL 0 dP3 LREAL 0 dP4 LREAL 0 dP5 LREAL 0 dP6 LREAL 0 dP7 LREAL 0 dP8 LREAL 0
SMC_ORI_CONVENTION (ENUM) ¶ TYPE SMC_ORI_CONVENTION : Represents different interpretations of an orientation given by three Euler angles. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment ADDAXES A/B/C are treated as additional axes and not as an orientation; ZYZ Rotation around the axes z, y’, z’’; ZYX Rotation around the axes z, y’, x’’; also known as Yaw-Pitch-Roll; XYZ Rotation around the axes x, y’, z’’;