SMC_ReadNCQueue (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK SMC_ReadNCQueue This FB is used for files created with Codesys V2.3; To write the queue to a file or to read the queue from a file: the FBs SMC_WriteQueueToFile and SMC_ReadQueueFromFile from SM3_Debug library can be used. This function block will read an SMC_OUTQUEUE file, which has been created by the CNC editor, from the PLC file system and provide an OutQueue structure, which typically is processed by the decoder. InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Input bExecute BOOL FALSE Rising edge: Starts execution. While TRUE , the function block stays active sFileName STRING(255) ‘’ File path pBuffer POINTER TO BYTE Pointer on a sufficiently large, free data area (buffer) that is allocated in the IEC application. dwBufferSize DWORD 0 Size of the buffer in byte Output bDone BOOL FALSE TRUE , if execution finished sucessfully. bBusy BOOL FALSE TRUE , while execution of function block is not finished bError BOOL FALSE Signals, that an error has occurred within the function block ErrorID SMC_ERROR 0 Error identification poqDataOut POINTER TO SMC_OUTQUEUE Pointer on queue that has been read in. iObjectsRead UDINT 0 Number of SMC_GEOINFO objects, which have been read and written to the queue up to now. Structure: CloseFile (Action)
SMC_ReadNCQueue.CloseFile (ACT) ¶
help functions ¶ SMC_StringBuffer (FunctionBlock)
SMC_StringBuffer (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK SMC_StringBuffer This FB allocates a defined number of strings during initilization and is able to store strings e.g. for SMC_ReadNCFile .
NC2 ¶ GSentence SMC_GExpToken_Iterator (FunctionBlock) Advance (Method) GetAddData (Method) GetCount (Method) GetValue (Method) Init (Method) IsValid (Method) SMC_GJUMP_COMMAND (Enum) SMC_GJUMP_TARGET (Union) SMC_GSentence (Struct) SMC_GSentenceQueue (FunctionBlock) AddDataCapacity (Method) AddDataSpaceLeft (Method) AppendAddData (Method) AppendGExpToken (Method) AppendGWord (Method) AppendSentence (Method) EndOfData (Method) ExpTokenCapacity (Method) ExpTokenQueueFull (Method) ExpTokenSpaceLeft (Method) GetGWordIterator (Method) GetJumpCommand (Method) GetProgramName (Method) GetSentenceFromStart (Method) GetSentenceIterator (Method) Init (Method) InitP (Method) IsEmpty (Method) JumpSubCall (Method) JumpSubRet (Method) JumpToSentence (Method) JumpToTarget (Method) NumSentences (Method) RemoveFirstSentence (Method) ResetJumpTarget (Method) SentenceCapacity (Method) SentenceQueueFull (Method) SentenceSpaceLeft (Method) SetEndOfData (Method) SetPointers (Method) WordCapacity (Method) WordQueueFull (Method) WordSpaceLeft (Method) SMC_GSentence_DynCall (Struct) SMC_GSentence_GWords (Struct) SMC_GSentence_Iterator (FunctionBlock) Advance (Method) GetCount (Method) GetGWordIterator (Method) GetValue (Method) Init (Method) IsValid (Method) SMC_GSentence_Let (Struct) SMC_GSentence_SubCall (Struct) SMC_GSentence_SubRet (Struct) SMC_GSentence_Type (Enum) SMC_GSentence_Union (Union) SMC_GVarDecl (Struct) SMC_GVar_Type (Enum) SMC_GWord_Iterator (FunctionBlock) Advance (Method) GetCount (Method) GetGExpTokenIterator (Method) GetValue (Method) Init (Method) IsValid (Method) SMC_NC_CopySentence (Function) SMC_NC_CopySentenceChecked (Function) GSentenceJumpBuffer SMC_GSentenceJumpBuffer (FunctionBlock) Interpreter Callstack SMC_DisplayNCCallstack (FunctionBlock) SMC_NCCallstackInfo (FunctionBlock) SMC_NCInterpreter (FunctionBlock) GetDCS (Method) SMC_NC_IStackAddressResolver (Interface) GetAddress (Method) Parser Expressions Functions SMC_NC_GArgument (Struct) SMC_NC_GArgumentValue (Union) SMC_NC_GFunction (Struct) SMC_NC_GFunctionTable (Struct) SMC_NC_IFunction (Interface) Call (Method) GetSignature (Method) SMC_NCTokenParser (FunctionBlock) SMC_NC_SourcePosition (Struct) SymbolTable SMC_GVarType_ToString (Function) SMC_INCSymbolTable (Interface) GetSubprogramSignature (Method) LookupGlobalVar (Method) StoreSubprogramSignature (Method) SMC_NCSymbolResult (Enum) SMC_NCSymbolTable (FunctionBlock) GetSubprogramSignature (Method) LookupGlobalVar (Method) SetSubprogramError (Method) StoreSubprogramSignature (Method) SMC_NC_SubSignature (Struct) ReadNCFile2 SMC_IGSentenceModifier (Interface) Call (Method) Start (Method) SMC_INCLookup (Interface) LookUp (Method) SMC_ITokenModifier (Interface) Call (Method) Start (Method) SMC_NCLookupFile (FunctionBlock) LookUp (Method) SMC_NCNavigator (FunctionBlock) SMC_NC_FindProgramFile (Function) SMC_NC_PrependDefaults (FunctionBlock) SMC_ReadNCFile2 (FunctionBlock) SetDelimiters (Method) SMC_ReadNCFromStream (FunctionBlock) SetDelimiters (Method)
GSentence ¶ SMC_GExpToken_Iterator (FunctionBlock) Advance (Method) GetAddData (Method) GetCount (Method) GetValue (Method) Init (Method) IsValid (Method) SMC_GJUMP_COMMAND (Enum) SMC_GJUMP_TARGET (Union) SMC_GSentence (Struct) SMC_GSentenceQueue (FunctionBlock) AddDataCapacity (Method) AddDataSpaceLeft (Method) AppendAddData (Method) AppendGExpToken (Method) AppendGWord (Method) AppendSentence (Method) EndOfData (Method) ExpTokenCapacity (Method) ExpTokenQueueFull (Method) ExpTokenSpaceLeft (Method) GetGWordIterator (Method) GetJumpCommand (Method) GetProgramName (Method) GetSentenceFromStart (Method) GetSentenceIterator (Method) Init (Method) InitP (Method) IsEmpty (Method) JumpSubCall (Method) JumpSubRet (Method) JumpToSentence (Method) JumpToTarget (Method) NumSentences (Method) RemoveFirstSentence (Method) ResetJumpTarget (Method) SentenceCapacity (Method) SentenceQueueFull (Method) SentenceSpaceLeft (Method) SetEndOfData (Method) SetPointers (Method) WordCapacity (Method) WordQueueFull (Method) WordSpaceLeft (Method) SMC_GSentence_DynCall (Struct) SMC_GSentence_GWords (Struct) SMC_GSentence_Iterator (FunctionBlock) Advance (Method) GetCount (Method) GetGWordIterator (Method) GetValue (Method) Init (Method) IsValid (Method) SMC_GSentence_Let (Struct) SMC_GSentence_SubCall (Struct) SMC_GSentence_SubRet (Struct) SMC_GSentence_Type (Enum) SMC_GSentence_Union (Union) SMC_GVarDecl (Struct) SMC_GVar_Type (Enum) SMC_GWord_Iterator (FunctionBlock) Advance (Method) GetCount (Method) GetGExpTokenIterator (Method) GetValue (Method) Init (Method) IsValid (Method) SMC_NC_CopySentence (Function) SMC_NC_CopySentenceChecked (Function)
SMC_GExpToken_Iterator (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL SMC_GExpToken_Iterator This iterator allows to iterate all g-expression tokens of a g-word. It can be retrieved from a gword-iterator ( SMC_GWord_Iterator.GetGExpTokenIterator ). For each token, the additional data can be queried. Methods: Advance GetAddData GetCount GetValue Init IsValid Structure: Advance (Method) GetAddData (Method) GetCount (Method) GetValue (Method) Init (Method) IsValid (Method)
SMC_GJUMP_COMMAND (ENUM) ¶ TYPE SMC_GJUMP_COMMAND : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment None Sentence Jump to a given sentence number (forward or backward) Target Jump to unknown jump target (! in g-code, forward) SubCall Call a sub program SubRet Return from a sub program
SMC_POSINFO (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SMC_POSINFO : STRUCT This data type describes its coordinates and the positions of the additional axes for a particular position point. InOut: Name Type Initial Comment iFrameNo INT 0 In this variable additional information not relevant for the SoftMotion modules may be stored by the user. wAuxData SMC_ADDAXIS ((ADDAXIS_X OR ADDAXIS_Y) OR ADDAXIS_Z) Bit by bit description of position axis to be calculated by the SMC_Interpolator . wSProfile SMC_ADDAXIS ADDAXIS_NONE Additional axes that have their bit set are interpolated in sigmoid (S-) shape instead of linearly. dX LREAL 0 X-position in coordinate system dY LREAL 0 Y-position in coordinate system dZ LREAL 0 Z-position in coordinate system dA LREAL 0 Position of additional axis A dB LREAL 0 Position of additional axis B dC LREAL 0 Position of additional axis C dA1 LREAL 0 Position of additional axis P dA2 LREAL 0 Position of additional axis Q dA3 LREAL 0 Position of additional axis U dA4 LREAL 0 Position of additional axis V dA5 LREAL 0 Position of additional axis W dA6 LREAL 0 Position of additional axis A6 (Cannot be programmed with G-code!)