Helpers ¶ CheckPosLimitsE (Function) Check_EvalAxisDerivsST (Function) ClosestPowerOf2 (Function) DiffGrid2 (Struct) DiffGrid4 (Struct) DiffGrid4_ND (Struct) DynState_Eq (Function) DynState_Zero (Function) DynVStateArray_Dist (Function) DynVStateArray_Dist3 (Function) DynVState_Dist (Function) ElemFun_ProjectAxisLimitsToPath (Function) EvalAxes (Function) EvalAxes2 (Function) EvalAxes2_Impl (FunctionBlock) EvalAxes_Ori (Function) EvalAxisDerivsS (Function) EvalAxisDerivsST (Function) EvalAxisDerivs_Helper (Function) EvalAxisDerivs_h (Function) EvalAxisDerivs_h_Array (Function) EvalAxisDerivs_h_Array3 (Function) ExtractOriAxesValues (Function) FillCache (Function) HandleRotaryAxes (Function) ManipulatorDynStateT_ApplyDynState (Function) ManipulatorDynStateT_Lint (Function) ManipulatorDynState_ApplyDynState (Function) MinLen (Function) PathElem_EstimatePathLimits (Function) PathElem_EstimateStepSize (Function) PathElem_EvalManipulatorDynStateT (Function) PathElem_LimitEst_ComputeLocs (Function) PathElem_ProjectCommandedAxisLimitsToPath (Function) PathRefLen (Function) PathRefLenI (Function) ProjectAxisLimitsToPath (Function) RotaryAxesDifferentPeriod (Function) Trj_CheckTrajectories (Function) Trj_ComputeEpsilons (Function) Trj_ContainsReversal (Function) Trj_DynStateNext (Function) Trj_DynStateNext_CheckVelocity (Function) Trj_FindIntermediateTime (Function) Trj_GetEndDynState (Function) Trj_InitFailureInfo (Function) Trj_Interval_Assign (Function) Trj_Interval_Invariants (Function) Trj_Interval_SetRoot (Function) Trj_Interval_Update_Off (Function) Trj_Pos_GreaterEq (Function) Trj_Pos_LessEq (Function) Trj_TrajectoryPair_GetEndDynState (Function) Trj_TrajectoryPair_IsRoot (Function) Trj_TrajectoryPair_IsValid (Function) VStateRangeMode (Enum)
Trj_RemoveSuffix (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Trj_RemoveSuffix : BOOL Removes a given number of phases from the end of a trajectory. Pre: nPhases <= tr.nPhases. InOut: Scope Name Type Return Trj_RemoveSuffix BOOL Inout tr Trajectory Input nPhases DINT
Trj_SampleI (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Trj_SampleI : STRUCT InOut: Name Type Comment dTDuration LREAL Length of the interval. dJerkCur LREAL Constant jerk value during interval. scheduleInfo Trj_Sample_ScheduleInfo Information about the point in time when this sample is expected to be interpolated. dbgData Trj_DebugData Debug data, only written if compiler define SMC_TRJ_DEBUG_DATA is set.
CheckPosLimitsE (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CheckPosLimitsE : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Inout errCtx SMRE.ErrorContext Inout Const ef ElemFun v SM3M.SMC_Vec aRef TRAFO.AXISPOS_REF Return CheckPosLimitsE BOOL
Check_EvalAxisDerivsST (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Check_EvalAxisDerivsST : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Inout Const ef ElemFun aRef TRAFO.AXISPOS_REF uq SMRB.DynV2State psArc ParamState Input x LREAL Return Check_EvalAxisDerivsST BOOL
DynState (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE DynState : STRUCT InOut: Name Type ds LREAL dv LREAL da LREAL
DynState_ApplyDynState (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DynState_ApplyDynState : BOOL Given a composite function h(x) = g(f(x)) and the dynamic states of g and f, calculates the dynamic state of h. InOut: Scope Name Type Return DynState_ApplyDynState BOOL Inout wH DynState jH LREAL Inout Const wG DynState Input jG LREAL Inout Const wF DynState Input jF LREAL
DynState_SetConstant (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DynState_SetConstant InOut: Scope Name Type Inout w DynState Input ds LREAL
DynV2State_ApplyDynState (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DynV2State_ApplyDynState InOut: Scope Name Type Inout uDst SMRB.DynVState Inout Const uSrc SMRB.DynV2State Input w DynState dJerk LREAL
DiffGrid4 (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE DiffGrid4 : STRUCT InOut: Name Type aI ARRAY [0..4] OF LREAL aII ARRAY [0..4] OF LREAL aIII ARRAY [0..4] OF LREAL