Mat_MultV_Left (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Mat_MultV_Left Multiplies a vector from the left hand side to a matrix, treating it as a row vector InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout vDst SM3M.SMC_Vec The result v*A Inout Const A Mat The matrix v SM3M.SMC_Vec The vector to multiply Output Mat_MultV BOOL
Mat_NormMax (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Mat_NormMax : LREAL Computes the maximum norm of a matrix. InOut: Scope Name Type Return Mat_NormMax LREAL Inout Const m Mat
Mat_Set22 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Mat_Set22 : BOOL Creates a 2x2 sqare matrix InOut: Scope Name Type Return Mat_Set22 BOOL Inout m Mat Input d00 LREAL d01 LREAL d10 LREAL d11 LREAL
Mat_Set33 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Mat_Set33 : BOOL Creates a 3x3 square matrix InOut: Scope Name Type Return Mat_Set33 BOOL Inout m Mat Input d00 LREAL d01 LREAL d02 LREAL d10 LREAL d11 LREAL d12 LREAL d20 LREAL d21 LREAL d22 LREAL
Mat_SetCol (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Mat_SetCol : BOOL Sets the i-th column of a matrix. InOut: Scope Name Type Inout m Mat Inout Const v SM3M.SMC_Vec Input i DINT Return Mat_SetCol BOOL
Mat_Sub (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Mat_Sub Subtracts two matrices InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout mDst Mat The result Inout Const mLhs Mat The left hand side mRhs Mat The right hand side Output Mat_Add BOOL
Mat_Zero (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Mat_Zero : BOOL Creates a n+n zero matrix. InOut: Scope Name Type Return Mat_Zero BOOL Inout m Mat Input n DINT
Poly ¶ Poly5_Create (Function) Poly7_Create (Function) Poly_Eval (Function) Poly_EvalDerivs (Function) VPoly (Struct) VPoly5_Create (Function) VPoly_Add (Function) VPoly_Create (Function) VPoly_Create_0 (Function) VPoly_Create_1 (Function) VPoly_Derive (Function) VPoly_Dot (Function) VPoly_DotSq (Function) VPoly_Eval (Function) VPoly_EvalDerivs (Function) VPoly_GetNthPoly (Function) VPoly_MAdd (Function) VPoly_Mult (Function) VPoly_Zero (Function)
Poly5_Create (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Poly5_Create : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return Poly5_Create BOOL Input pa POINTER TO SM3M.SMC_Vec Pointer to Array of Vec with at least 6 elements pdeg POINTER TO UDINT Resulting degree Inout Const r0 DynVState r1 DynVState
Poly7_Create (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Poly7_Create : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return Poly7_Create BOOL Input pa POINTER TO SM3M.SMC_Vec Pointer to Array of Vec with at least 8 elements pdeg POINTER TO UDINT Resulting degree Inout Const r0 DynVState r1 DynVState