corresponding output values [...] automatically wIndex WORD The [...] Output xDone BOOL TRUE
corresponding output values [...] automatically wIndex WORD The [...] subobjects) Output x
A405Base Output CONFIRM BOOL [...] WORD Index of object [...] Output ERRORINFO SDO
corresponding output values [...] automatically wIndex WORD The [...] input Output x
FB ProfileID WORD [...] 32) Output xValid BOOL If
FB ProfileID WORD [...] 32) Output xValid BOOL If
the output poq [...] interpolator. Output d [...] output dWayPos , d
AxisStructID WORD 16#FE12 AXIS [...] CommunicationState WORD 16#FFFF [...] _REF_SM3 wDriveId WORD 0
] . OutputBitOffset ; dw [...] ] . OutputBitSize ; pby [...] ] . OutputData ; // Write
MgrConfigGetParameterValuePointer (Function) IoMgrConfigGetParameterValueWord [...] MgrCopyInputLE (Function) IoMgrCopyOutputBE (Function) IoMgrCopyOutput