FileDest STRING(255) stFileSource STRING(255) Output b [...] dwCopied DWORD
_MINMARK DWORD 16#1 draw minor [...] _MAJMARK DWORD 16#2 draw major marks DW_NUMBER DWORD
DirOpen : DWORD Function to [...] SysDirOpen DWORD [...] Directory STRING Name of
semantics as Find from [...] 1 POINTER TO STRING(255 [...] STRING(255) ui
CallingSSUserReference STRING(64) C: 10, L [...] CommonReference STRING(64) C: 11, L [...] AdditionalReferenceInfo DWORD C: 12, L: <= 4
of a textlist as STRING. InOut: Scope [...] TextList STRING The textlist
address as UDINT [...] of the F-SPS as STRING in the format
STRING (in fact zero [...] thus declared as [...] ) Important As the
STRING (in fact zero [...] thus declared as [...] ) Important As the
_NAME STRING ‘Visu [...] _NAME STRING ‘Visu [...] _NAME STRING ‘Visu