library VisuFctConvertLocalSystimedateToUTC (Function) VisuFctConvertUtcToSystimedate (Function) VisuFctConvertUtcTo
TimeCalculations ConvertSysTimeValueToLWord (Function) ConvertSystimedateToUTC (Function) Convert
Acknowledgement ¶ VisuFctConvertToPWString (Function)
FromTimestamp (Function) AlarmStorageConvertToTimestamp (Function) AlarmStorageConvertValueToLREAL (Function) AlarmStorageConvertValueTo
A_Bit (Function) CiA_ControllerModeToModeOfOp (Function) CiA_DSP402_ConvertReceivedDriveParameter (Function) CiA_DSP402_Convert
BACnet.IEC_BACNET_TIME The BACnet time to convert to TIME. [...] corresponding to the given
2Virt : POINTER TO BYTE Convert physical to virtual [...] 2Virt POINTER TO BYTE Input p
to convert to a [...] corresponding to the given
BACnet.IEC_BACNET_DATE The BACnet date to convert to a DATE. [...] corresponding to the given
IoServices_Converter It is used to convert a memory [...] ) to a typed