Trace ¶ Globals Visu_ElemTrace_Versions (GVL) Helpfunctions VisuFctCalculateMaxTooltipLength (Function) VisuFctGetGradient (Function) VisuFctGetTransparentValue (Function)
Globals ¶ Visu_ElemTrace_Versions (GVL)
Visu_ElemTrace_Versions (GVL) ¶ take care when doing changes here, might be accessed from generated code Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Constant _VISUELEMTRACE_VERSION_LARGEROREQUAL_3_4_0_0 INT 0 The following identifier are only used by the code generation to determine, whether the version of this library is greater or equal a given version _VISUELEMTRACE_VERSION_LARGEROREQUAL_3_5_7_0 INT 0 _VISUELEMTRACE_VERSION_LARGEROREQUAL_3_5_11_0 INT 0
Helpfunctions ¶ VisuFctCalculateMaxTooltipLength (Function) VisuFctGetGradient (Function) VisuFctGetTransparentValue (Function)
EnXYChartDataProviderCurveVar (ENUM) ¶ TYPE EnXYChartDataProviderCurveVar : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment CURS_VARIABLE Cursor position variable INDEXMIN_VARIABLE Variable of minimum index value for curve array INDEXMAX_VARIABLE Variable of maximum index value for curve array
EnXYChartDataProviderVar (ENUM) ¶ TYPE EnXYChartDataProviderVar : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment UPD_VARIABLE Update variable AUTOUPD_VARIABLE Automatic update enable variable, if present CURS_X_VARIABLE Cursor position variable
EnXYChartUpdateType (ENUM) ¶ TYPE EnXYChartUpdateType : Element udpdate type Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment UPD_VARIABLE 0 Using variable UPD_AUTOMATIC 1 Automatic, when data is changing
FunctionBlocks ¶ Allocator (FunctionBlock) AllocBytes (Method) DumpAllocations (Method) FB_Init (Method) FreeBytes (Method) GetAllocations (Method) GetTotBytesAlloc (Method) Dummy (FunctionBlock) XYChartMeasureStringApproximately (Method) S_ALLOC (Struct) VisuFbXYChartDataProvider (FunctionBlock) GetAxisFontLabel (Method) GetDataProviderCurve (Method) GetLineLevelFont (Method) GetLineLevelStruct (Method) GetNumberOfAxes (Method) GetNumberOfCurves (Method) GetPntAxis (Method) GetPntCurve (Method) GetPntData (Method) GetPntWorkingDataAxis (Method) GetPntWorkingDataCurve (Method) GetUpdateType (Method) GetVariableItf (Method) IXYChartDataProvider2 GetDataProviderAxis (Method) IXYChartDataProvider3 GetPntAxisProper (Method) GetPntCurveProper (Method) GetPntDataProper (Method) SetMultiClientData (Method) IsAxisVarLocal (Method) IsCurveVarLocal (Method) IsElementVarLocal (Method) VisuFbXYChartDataProviderAxis (FunctionBlock) GetVariableItf (Method) VisuFbXYChartDataProviderCurve (FunctionBlock) GetDataXUnchecked (Method) GetDataYUnchecked (Method) GetFirstDataXItf (Method) GetFirstDataYItf (Method) GetLowerBorder (Method) GetRawDataXUnchecked (Method) GetRawDataYUnchecked (Method) GetUpperBorder (Method) GetVariableItf (Method) IXYChartDataProviderCurveCheckPointer IsDataXPointerChanged (Method) IsDataYPointerChanged (Method) VisuFbXYChartGenericVariable (FunctionBlock) CheckVarPointerIsChanged (Method) GetValueBOOL (Method) GetValueREAL (Method) GetValueUDINT (Method) IXYChartGenericVariable2 GetValueDINT (Method) SetValueDINT (Method) SetInitialAddress (Method) SetValueREAL (Method) VisuFbXYChartGenericVariableArray (FunctionBlock) GetValueRAWixUnck (Method) GetValueREALixUnck (Method)
Allocator (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK Allocator IMPLEMENTS IXYChartAlloc Allocator for dynamic piece of memory Methods: AllocBytes DumpAllocations FB_Init FreeBytes GetAllocations GetTotBytesAlloc Structure: AllocBytes (Method) DumpAllocations (Method) FB_Init (Method) FreeBytes (Method) GetAllocations (Method) GetTotBytesAlloc (Method)
Allocator.AllocBytes (METH) ¶ METHOD AllocBytes : POINTER TO BYTE Bytes allocation Return value of this method in the converted code is irrelevant. We change the return value temporarily to a valid type InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return AllocBytes POINTER TO BYTE Input uxiSize __UXINT Size to allocate iId INT who is asking for