Ua_ContentFilterElementResult : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] Ua_StatusCode NoOf [...] Ua_StatusCode NoOf
Ua_EventFilterResult : STRUCT InOut: Name Type NoOf [...] Ua_StatusCode NoOf
the given name of [...] returned. InOut: Scope [...] _IEC_RESULT Result of the
store. InOut: Scope [...] componentID UDINT ID of [...] _IEC_RESULT Result of the
: BOOL InOut: Scope [...] pointer to an array of [...] Count DINT The number of
BitStringGetBit : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] index of the bit to [...] Value BOOL The value of
position of oldest [...] received) InOut: Scope [...] ReceiverModuleID UINT The id of the
of a specific [...] Receiver afterwards! InOut: Scope [...] of receiver
state of the bus [...] GetDiagnosis . InOut [...] of CAN interface
.PROC_STATE Returns the bus scan of the current node InOut [...] .INode First node of scanned