VisuFbPaintRectF (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuFbPaintRectF InOut: Scope Name Type Input arrPoints ARRAY [0..3] OF VisuFbPointF Methods: AsPaintRectStruct FromPointAndSize RotateBy Structure: AsPaintRectStruct (Method) FromPointAndSize (Method) RotateBy (Method)
VisuFbPointF (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuFbPointF InOut: Scope Name Type Input x REAL y REAL xHandleAsI BOOL Methods: AsPointStruct AsPointStructI AsSize Checksum FromEventDwordParam FromPointStruct FromPointStructI FromRectangleStructLocation FromWidthHeight MoveBy MoveByComponents MoveByNonRef MovedCopy RotatedCopy ScaledCopy Subtract SubtractBy ToEventDwordParam TransformOverlay Structure: AsPointStruct (Method) AsPointStructI (Method) AsSize (Method) Checksum (Method) FromEventDwordParam (Method) FromPointStruct (Method) FromPointStructI (Method) FromRectangleStructLocation (Method) FromWidthHeight (Method) MoveBy (Method) MoveByComponents (Method) MoveByNonRef (Method) MovedCopy (Method) RotatedCopy (Method) ScaledCopy (Method) Subtract (Method) SubtractBy (Method) ToEventDwordParam (Method) TransformOverlay (Method)
VisuFbRectF (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuFbRectF InOut: Scope Name Type Input tl VisuFbPointF br VisuFbPointF Properties: Size Methods: Center FromRect MoveBy ResizeBy ScaledCopy Structure: Center (Method) FromRect (Method) MoveBy (Method) ResizeBy (Method) ScaledCopy (Method) Size (Property)
Visu_FctIsRelevantGestureEvent (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Visu_FctIsRelevantGestureEvent : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return Visu_FctIsRelevantGestureEvent BOOL Input rectId DINT The identification of the currently used gesture/touch rectangle (in fact the one added to the list the last time) Inout evt VisuStructEvent
Input Event Handling ¶ Visu_FctRaiseMouseLeave (Function)
Visu_FctRaiseMouseLeave (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Visu_FctRaiseMouseLeave : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return Visu_FctRaiseMouseLeave BOOL Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData Inout elemInfo Visu_ElementAndTransformation
Frame Switching ¶ VisuFbFrameRegistrationVector (FunctionBlock) AddEntry (Method) GetEntryPointer (Method) GetIndexByPath (Method) Overrides-and-Implementations abstrAssign (Method) abstrDataPtrChanged (Method) abstrSizeOfElement (Method)
VisuFbFrameRegistrationVector (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuFbFrameRegistrationVector EXTENDS VisuFbBaseVector Methods: AddEntry GetEntryPointer GetIndexByPath InitStaticMemory , inherited from VisuFbBaseVector RemoveEntryAt , inherited from VisuFbBaseVector abstrAssign abstrDataPtrChanged abstrSizeOfElement Structure: AddEntry (Method) GetEntryPointer (Method) GetIndexByPath (Method) Overrides-and-Implementations abstrAssign (Method) abstrDataPtrChanged (Method) abstrSizeOfElement (Method)
FramePreview ¶ Visu_FctGetInitFramePreviewFlags (Function)
VisuGestureInfo (UNION) ¶ TYPE VisuGestureInfo : UNION InOut: Name Type Comment pan VisuStructPanInfo spreadPinch VisuStructSpreadPinchInfo flick VisuStructFlickInfo iecTouch VisuStructIECTouchInfo mouseFromTouch VisuStructIECTouchInfo filled only by iecTouch because both are in fact synonymous