network number the [...] operate on. Note: It is [...] the network number
number of slave [...] redundancy is enabled a [...] is inactive a
as xEnable is TRUE [...] . If buffer is too [...] DTCBuffer is only valid as
function block is used [...] SDO abort ERROR is [...] network number the
LibVersion (Function) GetLibVersionNumber (Function) Is
. If N-1 is greater than the number of
planningResult is [...] _TRJ_DEBUG_DATA is set. nIter DINT Number of iterative
result of the call is [...] CountBytes UDINT The number of [...] resp. the number of
AlarmPlaceholders3. If WSTRING is used [...] represents the number of [...] format is 90, this
LibVersion (Function) GetLibVersionNumber (Function) Is [...] Company (Function) GetNumber