string representation [...] characters cTo [...] character to append
cam to be loaded has to be created [...] FileName STRING(255) Name of
to, i.e. IAlarm [...] to the referenced [...] contains a pointer to
blocks used to build [...] LWord (Method) ReadString [...] PString (Method) WriteString
_pFirstCellData POINTER TO BYTE this [...] used by CoDeSys to [...] _pSecondCellData POINTER TO BYTE The
BrowseName (Function) ConvertToIBranchTreeNode (Function) ConvertToILeafTreeNode (Function) ConvertTo
_sVarName STRING(255) The name [...] _sDescriptionTextID STRING(7) The text id [...] textlist to retrieve the
to subscribe a COV client to receive COV [...] , or to cancel an
_REF_SM3 Reference to the axis [...] added to the original
_REF_SM3 Reference to axis Input [...] respect to the motion