Out: Scope Name Type [...] SpecificDeviceState DED.ERROR Input pData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] DeviceDiagnosisInfo DED.ERROR Input pData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] SpecificDeviceState DED.ERROR Input pData
Type Output CODEGUID [...] ] OF BYTE Result_DATA
Out: Scope Name Type Input pReadData POINTER
Out: Scope Name Type [...] _IEC_HANDLE ppData POINTER TO
Name Type Return [...] _T_PROFI_SERVICE_DESCR pData POINTER TO
Name Type Return IEC [...] BufferFB POINTER TO IEC61850_HistDataBufferFB
Out: Scope Name Type [...] DeviceDiagnosisInfo DED.ERROR Input pData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] SpecificDeviceState DED.ERROR Input pData