bits. InOut: Scope [...] GetAsymmetricKeyLength UDINT Size of the [...] CryptoKey Asymmetric key of intrest
high byte of the [...] InOut: Scope Name [...] byte of “w
high word of the [...] Value ) = 16#1234 InOut [...] returns high wird of
byte of the input “w [...] InOut: Scope Name [...] byte of “w
word of the input [...] Value ) = 16#5678 InOut [...] returns low word of “dw
Ua_ActivateSessionResponse : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] Ua_ByteString NoOfResults Opc [...] Ua_StatusCode NoOf
record events InOut [...] address of the timestamp of the variable
.IDriverRequest InOut: Scope Name [...] array of |IData [...] Count DINT The number of
.IDriverRequest InOut: Scope Name [...] array of |IData [...] Count DINT The number of
Ua_CreateMonitoredItemsResponse : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] Ua_ResponseHeader NoOfResults Opc [...] Ua_MonitoredItemCreateResult NoOf